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My Personal Space

Hey, I don't know how much longer this will be up. I just figured out how to use geocities so I'm moving there. It's nothing spectacular...yet. But it works.

Well, my name is still Sarah. I'm still female and I'm still 15. That hasn't changed. I'm still short and thin. That hasn't changed in 3 years. I wrestled in 8th grade. I couldn't this year cause I was really sick. I haven't yet decided if I will this next year or not. It mostly depends on if I'm feeling up to it. Hey, you try having pneumonia, followed by mono, then constant colds and allergies for the next 6 months.

I'm on student council for next year, which I find kind of ironic. I'm not exactly the "student council-type". Meaning, I'm not popular and into sports and dating some jock stud(as a matter of fact, I've chosen to date somebody who *doesn't* live in Mahomet). I hate Mahomet and the school, mostly because of the people. I try to speak my mind, let people know what I really think. Which, you may know, is harder than it looks at times. You can't just tell somebody you'd like to strangle them....usually you just do. Just kidding. Well, there was that one time... :)

Ya wanna know more about me? Geez, you people are so demanding. Well, let's see. I'm opinionated, sadistic, weird, strange, different, quiet sometimes, loud sometimes, fun, funny, individual, trustworthy, not very trusting, a good listener, and I have a dark side. This is what people have told me. The sadistic thing a couple people have said and my mom was the one who said I have a dark side. Which I see as somewhat good. Makes me mysterious too. :) If you're confused about the trustworthy, not very trusting thing, well, you can tell me anything and I won't tell another soul if you don't want me too, but I don't personally trust very many people.

Anything else you wanna know? Just ask.

Love ya!! Sarah Lis

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My friend Jarvis...though I hardly ever see him anymorel.
My best friend, Rachel.
Goth Barbie
Jones Soda!!!!
