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Caitlin's Daniel Johns Page

Daniel's General Information ( I'm sure you already know most of it but I'll recap )

Other Stuff

Click here to get pictures of the band.
Click here to get pictures of Daniel Johns.
Click here to get info on one super cool gal !!! ( me, Caitlin ! )
Click here to get info on the other person involved in this !!! ( Erika, who is nowhere as near as cool as me !!! )

My philosophy on teenyboppers...

Hey Everyone !!! Welcome to my silverchair site !!! I made this because silverchair is the best band in the world !!! They rock !!! I dedicated this band to the lead singer Daniel Johns because he is in my opinion the most talented guy in the group ( but they are all really talented ) Okay just for the record I'm not one of those teenybopper freaks ( yes, I am 14, which makes me a teenager but I am not a " teenybopper " mind you, there is a difference. ) I really have a problem with people like that because I think they need to be kicked in the head. None of us have a chance with him because he is a rock star and we are just everyday people ( If your not e-mail me, I'd really like to know more ) They are a great band and need to be respected for there musical talent so that is why I have made this !!! I know people who have bought there cd just because they think Daniel is hot. Yes, I'll agree he is very good looking and I might even have a little celebrity crush on him but I have a grip on reality thank you very much. I think they are the best band ever and have a lot of talent !!! ( I think I have said that about 50 times so I'm hopeing by now you caught my drift ) And I hope he has a girlfriend or whatever because that would make him a lot happier even though it would make a lot of 12 yr olds sadder. They are people, not gods, and have feelings too. I have a lot of respect for them and you should too. I'm currently in the process of making pages for Ben and Chris to because without them Daniel would be a guy with a good voice, guitar, and a lot of publicity. Well I'm sure your sick of hearing my philosophy on life and music so here is some stuff bout them !

Band bio

Well in case you didn't know he is the lead singer and guitarist of the band Silverchair. This Australian band is from Newcastle. They first started out as a garage band in 1992. The then foursome which consisted of Daniel, bassist Chris Joannou, drummer Ben Gillies and a boy who I know only as Tobin. They were called " Innocent Criminals " and had influences such as Black Sabbath, Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple. Soon after the 4th member, Tobin, left with his family for England for a year, the threesome entered a contest. They won the contest and landed a deal with a Sony based record company and released their first album, the 1995 Frogstomp. Frogstomp was a hit. Releasing two number 1 singles, "Tommorrow" and "Pure Massacre". The three teens started touring almost immediatly after. They were in it all for the music and were your typical teenagers on the road. They goofed around, played pranks, giggled, had squirt gun fights, and basically annoyed the hell out of their new manager who had just been given the job by their parents. Unlike some teenagers and other celebrities though they showed no interest in the opposite sex and were very humble about their fame. In 1997 they released their sophmore album, Freak Show. This was a hit but did not do as well on the chart as their previous album. In 1999 they release their third album, Neon Ballroom. This produced such hits such as "Anthem for the Year 2000", a rebellious rock tune that has received a lot of airplay. "Ana's Song ", a great song that is currently doing well on the chart and on MTV about Daniels battle with Anorexia. " Miss You Love " is the next single to be released. This album is my favoriot out of the three. Silverchair has been compaired a lot to the bands Nirvana and Pearl Jam not only for their music but because of the striking physical resemblance between Daniel and Kurt Cobain. What is next for this great young band ? I couldn't tell ya. But I do know one thing for sure, SILVERCHAIR IS THE BEST BAND EVER !!! Be sure to come back to my site for more news and pictures coming soon !!! ( By the way, I think he looks better with short hair ) E-mail me to let me know what you think of my site. And guess what !!! I finally got the guestbook to work !!! Yippy Skippy !!! So sign it ! Now !!!

News !

Oh guess what ! I got some news ! Hmmm... Lets see...where to start.. Well for those of you who don't know, I did not get my eyebrow peirced this weekend. I really wanted to but my dad said no. That really bites but I'll be old enough soon... Oh !! You want news on silverchair ??? Well a few months ago they were on TRL. They were really funny and there accents are cool. I'm sure most of you die hard fans watched it but I was at feild hockey practice. So my mummy was so nice as to tape it for me ! ( thank you mummy, I love you ! ) The tour with Blink 182 was pretty succsessful, I didn't get to go cause I had basketball practice... oh well. And umm...Miss You Love was released ( my fav. song ) well more later. Toodles !!!

CD's !!!

Wanna know something cool ??? You can buy cds from this site O' mine !!! Yup ! I'm not kidding you. You can buy all three silverchair cds if you don't already have them !!! They are cheap too !!! Just click on the CDNOW link !!! I would recommend all of them ecspecially Neon Ballroom. I think that is the best one lyrically and musically. If you are more into the hardest stuff I would go for Freakshow or Frogstomp but they are all super good !!! And super cheap too !! ( you can buy cds from almost anyone, not only silverchair ) Well come back soon...

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