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Parodox Productionz - Y 2 K compliant``````

Parodox Productionz Establishment - Jan. 1st 1999

Parodox Productionz extended page's:

Jungle Poet's home page
Imperial Garments
Guest Book
Original Beat composure information

Jungle Poetz first cd: "Provisionz thru 99" is in stores and selling very nice. His forthcoming "DAY OF RECOGNITION" is dropping May 9, 2000. The saga to "Provisionz thru 99"---> HOTTEST...we are getting MP3 on the page very soon. Check Jungle Poet's homepage for information on all present and forward coming materal. IMPERIAL GARMENTS---"eye only want it...if it's not imperial garments, eye mon dun want it..." -``Sensee about IMPERIAL GARMENTS... coming soon... Peace Thank you for checking out the Parodox Productionz homepage. Peace unto all. Please sign the GUEST BOOK. ~Peter Capelton CEO of Parodox Prodcutionz
