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Its Just?The RattleSnake


WWF Champs
WWF Champion: Triple H
Intercontenintal Champ: Chris Jericho
European Champ: Val Venus
Tag Team Champs: New Age Outlaws
Hardcore Champ: Test
Womens Champ: Jacqulene
LightHeavyweight Champ: Essa Rios

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Pandemonium's Post Board
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Match 1: Kurt Angle Vs Val Venis(ChampionShip Match)
This match pitted Kurt Angle a superstar on the rise, a against the Las Vegas RISING Sun.This match was a real good opener for Smackdown, cause it was a championship match. Basically, Kurt Angle Held off Val from doing the Money Shot, by clipping his legs from under him. Getting him from the Top Rope, and performing that fishermans carry Suplex for the 1 2 3
Winner:Kurt Angle(New Champ)
Break To D-X and The Radicals, Talking about their divide and conquer plan...

Match 2:Grandmaster Sexay Vs Perry Saturn
This is the first of the Divide and Conquer matches. Grandmaster Comes to the ring first, and gets a huge obation from the crowd, cause he is part of TOO COOL(I really should do a page on these guys).This also was good match against some rising or soon to be rising stars.In this match, the turning point came, after Brian Christopher, accedently punched the ref in the mouth.Saturn gets up and tries to clothsline him, but he ducks and counters into a neckbreaker. Christopher Climbs the ropes, and performs the Tennesee Jam right across Saturns neck.The Ref of course doesnt see this pin, and Saturn Kicks out after 2 and a half. Saturn Suplexs Christopher, and locks in the rings of Saturn(bout time hi bought that move back).

Break to commercial, and XFL Promotion

Match 3:Edge & Christian Vs Dudley Boyz
Well this match pitted my Favorite Tag team in the WWF...The Dudleys against the Goths from Canada.Ok the climax of this match came when Buh Buh Ray, picked up Edge and was about to slam him, But his Leg "gives out" and Buh Buh Ray rolls out of the ring. Christian Sun set flips over D-von, which ended up having Edge missle Drop Kick him into the pin(boooo)...
Winners:Edge & Christian(Pin)
After the match The ref happens to call in the Emt's to aid in Buh Buhs leg =(.Oh look who we have here... Its B.B. or as I like to call her Big Boobs. The Emt's Load Buh Buh onto a streatcher and begin to roll him out and about that time, D-Von asks "are you hurt" and Buh Buh Replys "no I am not hurt" in a sedistic voice grabs B.B by the hair, and proceeds to roll her into the ring. Buh buh explains that he has been waiting 3 days for this moment...D-von sets up a table in the ring adjacent the ring post. buh buh Sits on the turnbuckle. and awaits her legs around his neck. D-Von Provids the left... and Buh Buh Provids the Bomb through the Table... Christian and Edge come back and try to talk some sense into Buh Buh ray, and they get a chair wrapped around their head.. Damn the Dudleys are Hardcore.

Match 4:Scotty 2 hotty Vs Dean Malenko
Dean malenko Takes out the leg of Scotty and ends it with Texas Cloverleaf
Winner:Dean Malenko(Submission)

Match 5: N.A.O vs Cactus Jack and Rock
NAO put up a good fight against these 2 great wrestlers. But in the end it was the Rock Bottom and the seat pull pile driver.
Winner:Cactus And Rock

Match 6:Gangrel And Luna vs Jacki and Albert
I dont even wanna do this match so here is the result
Winners:Gangrel And Luna

Match 7:Rakishi vs Benoit
This was also a good mid-event match against rakishi and Benoit. Benoit managed to suplex rakishi, more than once.But when rakishi was setting up for the Banzi Drop from the middle rope. The Radicals came out and foiled this gravity Plan. But Rakishi's Calvary Came out and saved the day
Too Cool Dance BReak

match 8: Hardyz vs Head Cheese
This was an okay match, not one of the highend, but two Great tag teams against each other which was good> This match was over when one of the Hardys hit the twist of Fate. But the referre was breaking up battle out side... which led to one devastating finisher, I Will call this tandum Leg Drop the Black Snow. Critically ended this match in a hurry.
Winners:Head Cheese

Match 9:Jericho Vs Hollys(2-1)
Chris Jericho has always been confident of him self, so he challanged the hollys to macth where he had his arm tied behind his back, and he also hired the APA. to help him out in this match, The Hollys were basically going to smash jericho, But the Acolytes came out and just ran a rampage against the Hollys... Doing the Clothsline from hell along with the dominator, giving jericho the easy win

Main Event:Kane w/Paul Bearer Vs. X-Pac & Triple H w/ Tori and Stephanie
This match was a damn good one, and boy am I glad the Big Red Machine is back, and is not being held by his heart by 2 chumps from D-x. Kane basically Smashed the two, Hitting them both with massive chockeslams, but Triple H disqualified them by hitting him with a chair. D-x Scrambles after the second Choke slam, leaving Tori all alone with Kane. Kane Grabs her by the neck, and she is going for the RI... Kane lets go and fights off a few officials. paul bearer being the peon he his, hunts tori down, and brings her back to kane, Kane Procceds to grab her throat, Camera cut to DX, the Crowd is cheering, wanting this choke slam to happen. Kane Lets go and d-x lets out a sigh of relief. Tori gets on her knees and thanks kane for not ending her life, But Kane gets the mean streak running through him and no one can stop him. kane Jerks her up and Proceeds to Tombstone her on her head.
Alright what happned on Raw last night. First The radicals interrupted X-pac and Tori in the middle of the ring, and called out Cactus Jack... Whats the over and uNder of them JUmping him?(hmmmm) Triple H comes down to the ring , and talks some gibberash, sparking the turn on cactus jack. Gave the Radicals their contracts, and the Radicals, Jumped Catcus Jack, to please the Game. Anyway, in the main event match it was, X-pac, Triple H and the Radicals Vs Rock Cactus Jack and all three too cool members... The team rocks team one of course. A match made at Now way out, is the hell in the cell match between cactus Jack and Triple H that should be a good one.The Hollys wrestled The Acolytes and beat them thanks to the help of Viscera.Jericho escaped losing his belt to Viscera later on in the night. Kurt Angle Moutain Dropped mae Young on her back. I wonder if the baby is still there hmmm.... Gangrel Did jacquelyne in with IMPALER DDT.and thats basically all that I remember. Pandemonium
Didnt get to
Watch Sunday Night Heat
Cause it Sucks