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My Awards

The awards can be applied for by sending me a quick note to and letting me know where your site is located, not that you would want some of the awards but if you ask I will view your site and give ya what I feel you deserve. I will also add your site name and link to my page even if you do not post the award. So don't ask unless you want my honest opinion

The Black Widow Award

Awarded to killer pages that are made and maintained by female webmasters only. Click on the award to view the winners.

The Golden Wreath Award

One of the hightest award given by me that any webmaster can be presented. These sites are where I would go for help on my site. A site that is bookmarkable and I would refer my friends to.
Click on the award to view its winners.

The Infosuck Award

This award is quite selfexplanitory. Click on the Award to view its winners.

The KMA Award

Awarded to those pages that contain little or no original material, are just a compliled list of links to other cool pages, or just show that the owner has no taste in web design. Click on the Award to see its winners

Golden Web Award

This award has been retired. Given to pages that are above and beyone. Click on the award to view the winner.

Our Family Jewels Award

Awarded to pages by parents with links to their childrens page or pictures of their children. Click on the Award to view the proud parents.

The Two Bits Award

Awarded to the sites that are not even worth the cost of a phone call. Click on the award to view the winners.

100 Worst Web Sites

These sites probably deserve one or more of my other awards but its easiest to just promote them here. If you would like help with your site. write me and I'll help where I can. click on the award to view the winners.

JAWP members

Exclusive members of the Just Another Worthles Page. Pages that are worthie of this award are well you guessed it basicly just a waste of cyberspace. Click the award to view the winners.

The Diddlers Choice Award

Awarded to sites that are great but just don't make the grade to get either the Golder Wreath or the Black Widow Awards. Click on the award to view the winners.

Top 1,000,000 (million)

Now everyone can apply for and get an award. Click on the award to view the winners.

Award of Excellence

Given to sites that are above the norm. And ya get a choice. Click on the awards to view the winners.

Semper Fi POW gold

Presented to those sites that go above and beyone to bring home out Mothers Fathers Borthers Sisters Aunts and Uncles. Click on the award to view the winners.

Jenny's Music Award

Awarded to band sites and Music oriented sites. Click on the award to view the winners.

Jenny's Creativity Award

For sites that are just excellently different. Click on the award to view the winners.

What you don't want to take the time to open your mail box and send me a request? I'll make it easy for you. Just jot your URL and a brief description of your site in the text box below and then submit. I'll get your request instantly.
If you like my purple page please refer a buddy.
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Please forward all comments about this site to Jenny