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Hi and welcome to my little portion of the web. I am currently in the middle of reworking my entire site so please bare with me. It has been over due for a face lift for some time now. I would like to thank my newest and dearest friend Bryan for pointing out how out dated my site really is, so please check back continually for updates.

My name is Jenny. I'm a small lady from a tinny farming community in mid-Louisiana. We raise cattle on my daddies dairy farm, and with nothing else to do around here I have started my first homepage to reach out grab hearts. Hope you enjoy my Page. I'm a 4 foot 8 inch Freshman in High School and just turned 15 on January first 2000. I have just reciently obtained my Associates degree from Devry and will be attending MIT in the Fall of 2004. Currently I am 20 years old as of January 2004. I have waist lenght light brown almost blonde hair and blue eyes. If you would like to see some great photos of me you have to go to my photo page. Just click the Gallery button at the bottom, although the pictures are a bit dated. I will be adding more current photographs in the near future. If you have any tips, pointers, comments or just plane want to be nice and lend a hand; please e-mail me or send me a message through ICQ 24440695.. If you see something you like among my pages and would like to use it or know how it was done let me know. I check my mail regularly and will get back to you quickly with the best answer I can.


My Hero

My asperation upon graduating high school is to attend MIT as a Physics Major
I have finally reached my asperation. I will attend MIT in the fall of '05 but not as a Physics Major. I have changed my Major asperations to Computer and Internet Technologies. I hope to eventually receive my Masters Degree and venture out into the job market ready to take on the world.

Albert Einstein(1879-1955)

Albert Einstein, a German-American physists, gave so much to this country. Einstein was born in Ulm on March 14, 1879, and spent his youth in Munich, where his family owned a small shop that manufactured electric machinery. He died in Princeton, April 18, 1955.

Problems cannot be solved at the same level of awareness that created them.

~ Albert Einstein ~