. Sprawl `em, Baby!

. . . . . . .Might take some time to load the images . . . . . . .

Like what I said. This is dedicated to the many a time we see the World's Oldest Couch Potato do what he does best! This is a page where you can find the Old Guy...er, lying around. We've also got Joe Dawson aboard to rate every sprawl, every lounge, every--

Joe: There is a point to this. Is there, kid?

Yeah! We'll score how deeply involved Methos is in his chair. Or bed. Or whatever...

Joe <shocked>: You hauled me here just to watch the old geezer spread himself bodily on pieces of furniture?

<blink blink> That's the basic idea, yeah. And besides, you're a Watcher! That's what you do, right? Observe and record?

Joe <mutters>: It's days like these that I wish I was just a club owner....

Lighten up, Joe! It'll be fun!

Joe <eyes to heaven>: All right, all right. I give. Let's just get on with it.......

That's the spirit! Okay heeeere we go! First off....


from "Methos"


Okay. This is from where Mac first meets our Old Guy. What'll it be, Joe? From a scale of 1 to 10.

Ya gotta be kidding me.....

Humor a kid, alright?

Alright, alright. I give it a 4-something.....

Any comments to go with that? 

<jawdrop, glares at webmeister like said webmeister's gone mad>

He's on his ass on the floor. Are we supposed to make some sort of intelligent remarks for sitting on the floor????

<holds up hands> Okay, okay! Don't get all worked up about it! Well, I give it a 6.5. He's so relaxed and splayed on the floor...

He's always relaxed and splayed anywhere...

... Moving on!......


These are from "Chivalry"



A 7. Who wouldn't be comfy snuggled into a couch with a cold one?

<grin> You said it, Joe!


from "The Valkyrie"


Well? What about this one?

I'd say a.......3.

A three??? 

Well, it's dark.

"It's dark," he tells me. But you were there, Joe!

So? That doesn't mean that I have to know every damn detail!

<pout> You're not helping......



From "The Messenger"

Richie: Zzzzzz..... Methos: ZZZZZ..... Mac: <grumbles> I wish they'd get their own place.....

<chuckle> I say the first garners an 8. Second, oh, prob'ly 6.5. That old bag is getting too attached to Mac's furniture, you'd have to scrape him off...

I'll say. But I'll give both an 8.5 for being too comfortable....

Though, he should stay away from Mac's antique stuff. We might not tell one antique from the other... <smirk>

<suspicious glance> Aren't you in a bright mood for age jokes today...?

Let's just say he owes me.........


From "Till Death"

Heh. And Speaking of too comfortable.....

::Phew:: @#%$*§&! Mac! What did you have this morning??


I think they both deserve an 8.5, don't you think?

<snort> Oh yeah! For literally taking over Mac's stuff....

And for the lack of bone mass!

More like a squid in a sweater......


From "Modern Prometheus"

Boy, he gets too comfortable anywhere..... .

Yep. Gotta hand it to him.

It's definitely a 9. And that anxious nibbling...<shudder> Mmmph!

The old goat stretches on the couch like a lazy cat, and that turns you on????

Stretched in a lazy lounge captivating you in his sleepy, olivine gaze..... <dreamy sigh> You should try it sometime!

<Joe groans, a hand over his eyes>


From "Deliverance"


Ooo. Now that's gotta hurt...

Much. Especially when you're decked by a certain evil-possessed Scot. And besides that it's not comfortable, I bet his bum must hurt....

He had to learn the hard way never get near MacLeod on a bad day....

I'm giving this a 2.



And what about this one?

Oooh, boy. That last step was a real doozy.... Is it Deck the Oldest Geezer Day? How in the world did this get into the entries?

He's on his back, right? He's in a sprawl, right? Let's just give a score to this friggin' thing! I got a bar to run!

<grumble> Spoilsport... Alright, another two! <low voice>And to think us youngsters are being difficult...

I heard that!


Methos at Joe's bar.......

Aw please.... don't tell me this deserves rating....

Well, look at him! He's leaning on every leanable furniture you've got!

Everyone leans on the--nevermind. I forgot to leave logic out the door.

<ignores Joe and makes like a dignified commentary> For these two, despite the lack of spreading space, I give it a 6.5.



from "Chivalry"

Saved the best for you, Joe! I had a feeling you'd enjoy this one....

Oh yeah! Definitely. This is a definite 10! Whoo-hoo! You showed `im, Mac! Sit on that, you pompous old coot! <chortle>

Methinks thou have faith in Kilt-Boy too much.....

<crows> But he's my Kilt-Boy to Watch!

<shakes head at display of questionable sanity>I think you should go back to bartending now......

<smug> My. Guilty. Pleasure! <flounces off>


Comments? Suggestions? If you think you recognize some images as yours, feel free to tell me, so I can properly acknowledge and thank you like. My thanks to Rain Pierson and Emma Keigh for some of the images they pitched in!

If you have any more images of the Sprawlster, please send it to me, and I'll be glad to put it up!


Methos Corner