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Our Team's Rules

1) Have fun!

2) Show up for games about 15 minutes early.   Either go directly to zone (posted on the match calendar) or get on icq to be directed to the room if the zone is not listed on the calendar.  If late (at 10 minutes til), a possible replacement will be found for you. Please find out who your captain is and if you get online at 10 til... icq them immediately, so they know you are coming.

3) Always watch your instructors in chat for instructions as to when to play or wait. Instructors are the ones who will deal with snerts in chat. NO ONE but the captain will do this. Please pay attention. When an Instructor says no acros, then don't acro. When an Instructor says no votes, then don't vote. If the Instructor says go on 3, or 5... follow directions. Pretty simple.

4) No cheating! *No making up words or running.words.together to fit a letter.  *No pandering (using team name or member's names in acros for recognition).  *Headlining is only permitted in team play on the ADULT side, otherwise, please DO NOT Headline.(Capitalizing Each And Every Word In Your Acro). *No talking of acros before votes are posted. Just don't do it. :- ) and lastly... *DO NOT CORRECT the Instructor in a match. If you have an issue or a problem, please wait until after the game then post them an icq. They are the ones in the game you need to listen to and they deserve your respect.

5) And again!  Have fun!

6) For more involved rules of team play, visit   Team Acro rules.

7) Email the Instructors if you have any questions.


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