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(l-r) Scott, Ross, Nathan, Jason Howard, Eric O'Connor

Joey is in the foreground lactating. Note that Eric is wearing floods! Bahaha!

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(l-r) part of DAve, Bruce Melendy, Laurel, Christina LaCerda, Eric sucking one down

Note the beer of choice on the table.

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Girl named Kris and DAve Power

Nice shirt, Kris. And striped white pants.

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Young Fart Robert Gray doing his controversial "70's Bigfoot Video" walk.

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Gordon Witter will kick your ass.

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Gordon, DAve, and Jason Howard at the Greek's Kosovar beer tent

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At the Greek, on the grass. There's a can of Pabst in that innocuous-looking soda cup.

(l-r) Scott, Gordon, Jason Howard, Joey; Ross is in the foreground

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Joey and I, obviously caught up in the fervor of the big GBV rock show.

I swallowed several bugs that night. ROCK!

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Live at the Aparthenon. Tim Tobias sure has big bright eyes. Almost alien.

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Nate Dreamboat - if you yell "NATE!", he'll check you out. Really.

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I almost got the whole band on this one.

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(front to back) Nathan, Me, Jason Howard and Joey having our medicine at the Boomerang.

any questions, corrections, or additional photos from the show?

buzz me at: