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*******HoLLie NewS********


Sept 22
*Today at school i got an A on my math test!!! Im really proud of me!!!!! arent u???
**I got some new shirts yesterday. One is purpe and says, Old Navy Trademark, the other is from American Eagle is says AE Surfer Girl and it is pink. The others are two baseball jersey type shirts from Abercrombie that both say Abercrombie Girl's Baseball! I luv them!!!!

*I had a pretty goo d day today. marissa who is supposed to beat my a$$ acoridng to teresa, fell on her face during the pep assembly. HAHAAHA!!!
**By th way, all u anit social people need 2 leave me and my email adress and my webpage ALONE!!!!!!! u r all trash, poor, live in traier parks!and 1 of u is trying to have sex with me n u r a girl! go away sickos!!!!!

*Today at school was fun we went on a feild trip to a museum which was pretty boring if i woulda payed attention. but me and brian made out in a room thingey there. SHHH!!! hee hee. it was cool because we coulda gotten caugt at any momnet.
**Also today Mandi got dissed BIIIG time!!! Frank Monroe asked her out to themovies yesterday and today he went up to her and told her that he couldnt go becuz he had to take Linzee one of my friends! we all laughed r asses off!!!! thanks frank for the laugh!
***When I got home my mom had actually tried to shop for me and brought home a bag of the lamest shirts that i have ever seen. she said that she got them at the mall at some store and i told her thanks but no thanks mom, just let me stick to the cloths from now on. moms can be so clueless ya know????

Oct 8
*TGIF!!!!! I got a realy bad report card grade in Science :0(...I'm really unhappy about it and so is my mom and dad. they didn't ground me or anyhting but i got a really long and stuped lecsure about the improtance of school...blaaaaaaaaaah to them.
**Im not sure whats up for this weekend. Brians spending the night tonight :0) THAT IS definity UP!!!! then ithink that me and chelse are gong shopping somehwere tommorrow. there is a really awsome dress i want at Gadzooks....its only like 40$ so im sure my mom will buy it.:0). Have a nice day and SMILE!!!
***OH YEAH>>BY the way can sombody please tell me what the hell a ska is??

October 9
*I just made this page. Chelsie helped me. We r both getting adicted to the is alot of fun, but, WE R NOT COMPUTER NERDS!!! N we DONT have cybersex!!! That is disgusting!! SO DONT ASK ME ANYMORE!!!!
**Like I siad were goin shopping today. Brian left earlier becuz he hates going shopping with us he says we take too long and its boring for him. I think that he is taking me to the movies or something later though. Were going to go see stigmata that is what he wants to see but i think ill prolly get scared. but then good if i do because i can cuddle hee hee. :0).
***Oh yeah what i said would happen happened last night (with brian styaing overnight) SHHH... :0) he hee hee...

Oct. 23 1999
*Well I put another slamb00k on the page becuz there was too much shite in da other 1 from asshole peeps!!! i hope that c00l peeps sign my new one its made for them only!!!
**Im going shopping today later with Lizzie. Then i think im staying the night. I saw Superstar yesterday it was SO STUPID! i hated it so much. and the fight club was stupid too i thought it would be good because brad pitts in it and hes such a hottie!!! but it sucks!!
***See ya sign my slambook 2.....

November 5th,1999 *HeeHee Im skipping school today...brian mandi liz and linzee r over now too. we just left after lunch. i think were going to matts later to play basketball. skipping school is alot of fun, ive never done it before. we just left the building noone saw us luckiley. i thought they would and i was all nervous, but we made it out! **im still nervous i dont know if my parents will find out and what theyll say but i m sure i can get out of it. ***see ya later! i gotta go now....i just realized how hot carson daly is...WOW!!!
