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saBina'z bdAy party at "tHe jAiL" swe3t fifTeeN

aHh.. i was there Early lah =)

actually .. "WE" were there early hehe =) thats the menu loh

janiz, wen, tOmmy, daNny



peter, daNny, toMmy

janiz, wen, peter

aLl the girls... keke

jAniz, wen

vicky, jessy, sabina, jenny

cheryl, vicky, sabina, jenny

jeSsy, sAbina, vicky, jenny wit their gIft =)

ahhh it was kinda hard for me to take this pic =P

sAbina, toMmy

wat the.......

wen, sab, daNny

wassup wit jEnny again?

wah sai.... on the floor?

aLl the gals

jenny, janiz, sabina

janiz, jesSy, wen wit the cAke.

wats this ahh...

aiya.. i thought vicky ate the cherry?

to be continued...