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july 16 2003

farewell to tommy!!! goodluck xiao niao!!! ^^

his flight was damn early, si xiao niao!! GRRRR.. make me wake up so early! haha =P

northwest airlines

tommy and dk

ah wen, tommy

alex kuo called from brazil!!!!

dk laughs


continues talking with alex

fake smile.. i know you are crying deep in ur heart =(

cw daydreaming

bin nai! not wen nai oh!

cw's sun burned back

fion has more

dk's talking

so happy?

wat are u trying to say?

sisters =P wen and bin

wen, fei (nice haircut)

dk, wen


tommy... sad

saying goodbyes


wah thats a long line

bin nai!!!!


u can see dk's reflection lol


bye tommy!! goodluck in the states! =D