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The Dude's Cheats

Counterstrike cheaters

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I started this site because of the recent behaviour that Valve is displaying with their watch-dog called VAC. All the stuff you find in/on here is coded by other people, I just made it VAC-proof again! A thx goes out to all people on the Cheat-network for helping others and myself to cheat, annoy and rampage the Counterstrike servers. As soon as coders have an answer to the new way VAC is detecting, you'd better go to the cheat-network, they have the latest(link is up here). Check there wether your favorite cheat is still undetected. 1 more thing about the cheats on this page, they are opengl based. What else do you need to know? Well eh... cheating/hacking is illegal....SO WHAT!!!

Ways to fuck valve (If you know more, email me):

  • Cheat
  • Don't buy their products
  • Annoy everybody ingame

My Favorite Web Sites : - Major league Cheat site (my favorite) - Another very interesting cheat site - And another one! - Need i say more?
