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Whats this Site about?

i have decided to take all the pictures of me off my site for several reasons. However, if you would like to see what i look like, e-mail me or catch me online, and ill give you the URL link to veiw my pictures.

High~ my name is Rue- also known as the Kottonmouth Queen~ and this web site is based on all my favorate shit. From my favorate bands to my most liked activities. THE CLOCK ALWAYS READS-----> HERE!! STAY AWHILE~~~~


By internet law, i have to clear up some contraversal shit up first. You will find references to the controlled substance marijuana on this site. But keep in mind that this web site is not all about weed. If anything~ this site is all about me. Just understand this~ marijuana has always played a role in my life, and it has never seemed "wrong" or "bad" to me. Also, i have never had a problem with weed... infact through out my 18 years and through out all the shit i have been through, weed is probably the only thing i haven't had a problem. Marijuana is NOT a way of life by any means, and I AM NOT AN ADDICT. However, i can proudly say that it's one of my favorate things. So i included it on this web site. To me and other stoners alike, this is no big deal, but if you are offended in any way, or if you are having trouble understanding this "issue" exit my site now please. Cause if you dont understand this, you are small minded, and you wont see past it. NOTE: I DO NOT SUPPORT "HARD CORE" DRUG USE SUCH AS CRACK, METH, SPEED, COCAINE, HEROINE ect.


the next contraversal issue i have to clear up is my religion. Im Wiccan. No, im not evil, and No i do not worship Satan(wiccan's dont even believe in a devil). But yes... im a witch. I assure you, im 100% harmless. To know more about Paganism and Wicca check out my LINKS page. Or e-mail me your questions. Again, if your offended, just leave. NOTE TO CHRISTIANS AND CHRISTIAN GROUPS: I UNDERSTAND WHERE YOU ARE COMING FROM, BUT PLEASE DONT SEND ME E-MAILS TELLING ME IM GOING TO HELL, OR TRYING TO "SHOW MR THE LIGHT" I'VE HAD IT WITH THAT SHIT, SO PLEASE STOP.~RUE~