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Laramie, Wyoming

Food Not Bombs                       



About Laramie Food Not Bombs























        Laramie Food Not Bombs has been in existence since May 2002.  During this time we have served a free picnic every Sunday at 2:00; first at Washington Park then at Depot Park and currently at Optimist Park.  at 1:00 the last Sunday of every month; We have also distributed free groceries during our picnics.  We serve on Sundays because this is the day that the local soup kitchen does not provide a free meal.  We continue to serve free picnics and distribute food, and are committed to doing so for years to come.

        Laramie Food Not Bombs is also an in integral part of movements that are working for social and environmental change.  We make efforts to serve free meals during rallies, demonstrations, protests, and other events where those working for change oftentimes forget that, without food, no movement can succeed and grow.

        The overall goal of Laramie Food Not Bombs is to effectively confront the hunger and poverty in our communities and build sustainable alternatives to the current system of oppression, suffering, and violence.  We assert our rights to eat, share, and provide free food to all who want it through our picnics and grocery distribution.

        We focus on sharing because if more people in this world shared – whether it be housing, food, water, transportation – there would be little to no suffering.  We consider the act of sharing free food to be revolutionary, in that it is not only condemned by those with power and control, but because it is directly contrary to the way this system demands us to live.  Unbelievably, some of us who do share free food have faced repression by police, government officials, and business owners.  Sharing is power and with this power, we will transform our community and our society.

        Anyone who wants to can be involved with Laramie Food Not Bombs.  Our decision making process is open to all who want to be involved and based on consensus.  We desire to work with and alongside all who are interested in confronting the problems facing our lives and in building something better.  There are many of us – whether we are liberals or conservatives, anarchists or libertarians, religious or atheists, Democrats or Republicans, women or men, homosexual or straight, and so on.  Our goal is to build a sustainable, strong, and open community, one built on positive relationships and respect for one another. 


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