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We have a four-pointed Star with a Golden Halo. The tips of each star point is encased in gold. Inside the star we have four lines bisecting, creating a CROSS and another "X"!!! The White Star reveals the PURITY of your Mighty I AM Presence anchored in your Heart on Earth. The gold tips show that you have mastered the Four Directions of the Chambers of the Heart Chakra which is the direct link to your I AM that I AM. The CROSS reminds you that just as Christ rose again after bearing his cross, so have you passed all your Earthly Initiations and the "X" shows a new Cycle of Cosmic Initiations. That is why we see a gold HALO passing around the "X". The Halo is the Christed Light of unconditional Love. If you sit down each day for about 18 minutes and meditate on this Four-pointed Star with the Halo, you will be drawn deeper into the multi-dimensional aspects of Unconditional LOVE!!! The intuitions that will be revealed to you will assist you greatly in your position in Office of the Christ!!!(presented in a reading from Monk Madhi)

I was regretting the past and fearing the future..... Suddenly God was speaking..... "My name is 'I AM ' ''..... I waited..... God continued, "When you live in the past, with all of its mistakes and regrets, it is hard. I am not there..... My name is not "I WAS”.... When you live in the future, with all of its problems and fears, it is hard. I am not there..... My name is not "I WILL BE"..... When you live in this moment, it is not hard. I am here.....

My name is 'I AM ' ".

"I AM THAT I AM. A Christed Being that walks the Earth, in Light, with Christ, in service to the One, here to assist the Earth and All Her Being in the Ascension."

NAMASTE' to all.......My name is Reverend Pamela Jackson. I am an ordained Metaphysical Minister, receiving my training and ordination from The Church in the Wildwood based in Southern California, under the guidance of Reverend Carol and Reverend Mary Russell. I am currently licensed and incorporated as the Energy Transformation Center © in the State of Wyoming, and licensed to perform sacraments also in California and Idaho to date. I am a traditional, Shamballa and Ra Sheeba Reiki Master/Teacher, A Labyrinth owner and facilitator, a teacher of metaphysiology, shamanism, alternative/energy healing, and numerology as well as a Life and Spiritual Guidance counselor/intuitive, and my passion is teaching and sharing the wisdom bestowed upon me by many of the Legions of Light regarding The Journey of Our Souls. My Monadic self carries the energies of Stella Maris, “star of the sea” and holds a position in the Office of the Christ, whose mission is to guide all those I come into contact with on their journey to becoming their own Christed Selves. I, myself, as are all others, am in the process of integrating ALL that I AM into this physicality and bringing forth the Divine Energies onto our Beloved Mother Earth.

The Energy Transformation Center © was divinely gifted to me through spirit in 1992 in Evanston, Wyoming. Altho a physical structure has not been built, the etheric structure has continued to grow and expand and evolve throughout the years. In 2002, I was spiritually led to a piece of property in Montpelier, Idaho where I believe the physical structure will be built.

This location is part of the west side of the Grand Teton Vortex, and part of the eastern Golden City Vortex of Shalahah. It is my understanding that this is the area where the Ascended Masters visit to rest and to play. This Eastern Door is also known as the “blue” door. Its energies demand purification and sacrifice, but with the great reward of alchemy. St. Germain refers to the path of the Eastern Door as “The Elixir of Life”. The blue door also signified friends, family and those who are helpful. The Master Teachers claim that any relationship or family problem can be solved through time spent in contemplation on or in this doorway. In the New Times, which are quickly being created, it is prophesied that the Eastern Doors of the Golden City Vortexes are perfect locations for communities, group activities, residential homes and schools for young children.

A canal runs through this property which brings forth the turquoise spiritual healing waters of the Bear Lake and the Snake River. Shalahah’s sister city is Prana, which is located in the center of India. Archangel Raphael is the Angel of the Green Ray and the spiritual sound for Shalahah is OM SHEAHA (pronounced Shee-aw-hah) which means, “I AM AS ONE”. When chanted, sung, or meditated upon in prayer, this sound will bring forth spiritual healing, a feeling of oneness and unity consciousness which the Master Teachers call, Unana.

It’s also been said that this area is where the Ascended Masters come to play, visit and retreat. To date, I've experienced the energies of AA Michael, Sananda, St. Germain, Mother Mary, Metatron, and I was welcomed here upon arrival by AA Gabrielle. As a “backdrop” to this property there is the most beautiful mountain of rock that just vibrates beautifully with in-earth energies. I feel this mountain of rock is a powerful receiver and sender of communication energies with ALL existing above and below and BEYOND.

My intentions are to construct a spiritual retreat on this property beginning with a labyrinth in the spring of 2003 as directed by our Beloved St. Germain. I will post pictures to this web site updating our progress. I believe the Labyrinth is only the beginning of a wonderful spiritual energy destined for this property.

To follow the journey of creating the Spirit Quest Labyrinth, Bear Lake Valley, Idaho, please Click on the Labyrinth link below. Enjoy the sharing.

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