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To begin with, I'd like to share the journey that unfolded before I began building the Spirit Quest Labyrinth. What I'm sharing is a lesson for everyone: Listen to the guidance within!

It was the spring of 2002 that I began feeling the very active tugging to begin searching for a piece of property that would be suitable for beginning the physical manifestation of the Energy Transformation Center©. My dream actually began around 1992 when I was gifted through spirit with the name of Energy Transformation. However, dream seemed to be all I could do throughout the years, trying as I may to find the abundance I thought was necessary to begin, until one day I just flat out decided it was time to begin the search for a piece of property, whether I had finances in hand or not.

I searched Evanston, Wyoming, were I had been living for over 20 years, north to south, and east to west, and just couldn’t hit upon the property that would make my spirit sing. I knew in my heart that my family would not be well pleased if I found property outside of Evanston, but I also knew I still must listen to my heart. A friend of mine suggested Montana, the northwest portion, and that seemed to resonate, so I began my search. The internet searches, the written letters of inquiry, and the time spent on phone calls consumed most of my waking hours for almost six months. I found a great number of “appropriate” properties, but there was always a stumbling block, or something that came through discouraging me from pursuing further. Finally I began to realize that perhaps I had misread my intuition and guidance and began seeking property information in other sections of Montana, until finally in September, I was so frustrated I just gave up. I told myself that perhaps a major move was not in my direct alignment at that time and I quit looking. I began the fall as was my usual pattern, getting my daughter into school and substitute teaching, until one afternoon I walked into the local Wal-Mart and picked up a Real Estate advertising magazine for southwestern Wyoming that was sitting on one of those “free take one” stands. I don’t know what prompted me to pick it up, as I didn't think I was paying attention to higher awareness any longer. It wasn’t until a few days later that I took the time to glance through the real estate listings that were available. I flipped through pages admiring the selections, when all of a sudden one ad literally jumped out at me. Here sat a simple house, but in the back of the picture was a huge mountain made of rock that was absolutely awe-inspiring. I felt my heart about jump out of my physical body as I picked up the phone, called the realtor and before I knew it I had committed to viewing the property the next day. The property was not in Wyoming, but the very southeastern corner of Idaho,the Bear Lake Valley, which to me is still southwestern Wyoming. The next morning driving the 100 miles to Montpelier, I asked Spirit for a sign, a visual confirmation if this was in fact the property that I would be able to comfortably purchase, and that would serve to be the appropriate place for me to continue my spiritual work. A voice immediately came to me and said “watch for the cattails”. Now that was special to me, because my beloved mother dearly loved cattails when she was alive. Upon approaching the location of the property, the god(dess) bumps were all over my body, however, not wanting to seem over-anxious to the realtor, I calmed myself and went inside to inspect the inside of the house. However, my feet took over the inspection as they led me directly to the patio door where I could see the most beautiful rock mountain gracing the back of the property.

In the middle of the property was a canal beautifully displaying wild flowers, tall grasses, and lo and behold, cattails. I remember trying to calm myself again, breathing deeply to contain the sense of overwhelm I was experiencing, but I knew immediately that this was the place I was destined to purchase. The beauty of the property was stunning; however, it was the energies resonating from the property that immediately “sold” me. I could feel the huge rock mountain sending forth its warm breath of life, enveloping me in a soft wind, whispering its welcome message into my being. I feel this mountain of rock is a powerful receiver and sender of communication energies with ALL existing above and below and BEYOND. Three days later, my husband and daughter came back with me so they could examine the property, and this time I inspected the inside of the home. Within 2 hours, we were signing an agreement to purchase and I can’t even explain the excitement that overwhelmed me. All was in Divine alignment: the reduced price, the location, the immediate sale of our current home and the ease with which the financing fell into place. By the last week of October, we were on our way to beginning our new journey.

This location is part of the west side of the Grand Teton Vortex, and part of the eastern Golden City Vortex of Shalahah. It is my understanding that this is the area where the Ascended Masters visit to rest and to play. This Eastern Door is also known as the “blue” door. Its energies demand purification and sacrifice, but with the great reward of alchemy. St. Germain refers to the path of the Eastern Door as “The Elixir of Life”. The blue door also signified friends, family and those who are helpful. The Master Teachers claim that any relationship or family problem can be solved through time spent in contemplation on or in this doorway. In the New Times, which are quickly being created, it is prophesied that the Eastern Doors of the Golden City Vortexes are perfect locations for communities, group activities, residential homes and schools for young children.

A canal runs through this property which brings forth the turquoise spiritual healing waters of the Bear Lake and the Snake River. It’s also been said that this area is where the Ascended Masters come to play, visit and retreat. To date, I've experienced the energies of AA Michael, Sananda, St. Germain, Mother Mary, Metatron, and I was welcomed here upon arrival by AA Gabrielle.

It was the spring of 2003 that I received the message from St. Germain to build a Labyrinth on this property. There was a very visible vortex of energy toward the east side that just “pulled” at me repeatedly. I meditated, prayed, dowsed, and anything else I could think of to confirm my inner feelings that this was the place the Labyrinth wanted to be built. I finally accepted that I was being led by St. Germain and to just flow with this gigantic process that was about to unfold. I believe the Labyrinth is only the beginning of a wonderful spiritual energy destined for this property.

Beginning May 2,2003, the work on the Labyrinth began. We were very lucky to have found a neighbor who owns a backhoe and was willing to rent it to us. Immediately upon breaking ground, I could feel within my whole being, the awesome inner earth energies radiating forth, swirling into the most beautiful vortex I’ve ever experienced. Altho the afternoon was a bit dismal and overcast, I could see the Light coming forth and feel the Love from our Dear Mother Earth permeating the entire piece of property we had been guided by St. Germain to build upon.

Scooping out the circle for the Labyrinth was the easiest part of the entire construction process, I do believe, however, it took a good 4 hours for Wes to pick up dirt from here and move it to there and smooth it out. We are blessed that Wes has such a divine connection to Mother Earth. He has such a feel for leveling and smoothing and shaping the land that I truly admire. He can finesse the land as an artist adding finishing touches to a sculpture. By the end of this day, our Labyrinth-to-be looked very much like a landing pad.

I could only imagine what the travelers on Canyon Road might have been thinking. I could see them glaring strangely as they drove by slowly.

On May 5, 2003 we experienced a bit of a challenge as it snowed here in the Bear Lake Valley. This gave me an opportunity to discuss with The Energy Transformation mailing list family the possible designs for the Labyrinth-to-be. We had carved out approximately a 45 foot area and I needed to make a decision as to what style of Labyrinth wanted to be built. I tossed around the Classical 7 path style as well as the 11 circuit Chartres. Altho I knew the Chartres would be very difficult to construct, I kept receiving the message that a Chartres it wanted to be. That decided, weeks were spent discussing measurements, path widths, what materials would be the most cost effective and so forth. I spent a lot of internet time exploring other permanent Labyrinths, searching online hardware stores and building supplies. I came up with several ideas, but after doing more extensive research, I would conclude that my ideas wouldn’t work for one reason or another. However, ever since I moved to this little corner of Idaho, I had been “drawn” to a place on the Wyoming/Idaho border that sold what is called Wyoming Goldstone. The owner had a vast amount of property and located within was a HUGE “gold mountain” of rock. This mountain of rock is very similar to the Missy Rock I have on my property, and it radiates the inner earth energies just as powerfully as my own mountain of rock. I was spiritually drawn on many levels to this gold rock, not knowing the full reason why, other than it was beautiful. I found out after investigating further, that this 80 year old man mined this gold rock. He had the equipment to dig out the rock, cut it in slabs of any size, and grind it down into any size stone, rock, gravel or sand. After speaking with him a couple times, I decided that the Goldstone small rock, almost gravel size, with red brick borders was what I wanted for the Labyrinth. It wasn’t until the winter of 2004, that I realized the importance of the location I had chosen, the significance of the inner earth energies, the energies of the elemental, devic and the grand masters that I would be working with. Right down to choosing the goldstone, was a spiritual journey unlike any other I’ve ever experienced.

Then the fun began, attempting to locate enough brick and find a company that was reasonable in price and would deliver it. I was rather disappointed that the businesses in the Bear Lake Valley weren’t much interested in helping me to locate the red brick. Because they didn’t understand what it was I was building, I felt like they just brushed me off. It was their loss, however, as I was willing to pay whatever it took, to get the brick to the property, but I couldn't find anyone to help me. So I went back to Evanston, Wyoming and my friends at the Builders Supply were more than happy to accommodate my needs, including free delivery on a semi-truck.

Deciding upon the design of the center proved to be an interesting discussion as well. Exploring the internet for ideas was fun as it allowed me to view the really beautiful Labyrinths that have been built by others. It was during this time that our own Brother Stephen Graves offered the use of his Spirit Quest name and logo for our center circle. What a heart felt gift that was! It was perfect! The Labyrinth wanted to be named Spirit Quest, and interesting to note, the step by step construction of this Labyrinth was in and of itself a most awesome spiritual quest.

It was on May 7th that we decided the entrance to the Labyrinth would be at the East point to correspond with that of a medicine wheel.

It was at this time also, that I decided the Labyrinth would need a garden type border around it where we could plant trees and flowers, so the next step was to dig tree holes.

It was important to me to get trees planted as early as possible to allow them plenty of growing time for their first year. My dear SiSTAR Pat Ard came to visit and help for a few days, which was so exciting. We journeyed to Logan, Utah and picked out trees, hauled them to the Labyrinth-to-be and began planting them.

I remember it was raining when we began and the energies from the rain and the beautiful rainbow that graced our work made for quite a ceremonious tree-planting session.

Of course I had plenty of time to do research for supplies and toss around more ideas because there was plenty of raking out of the rocks to be done in preparation. The raking began. I believe I raked rocks out of the circle for 3 days non-stop. Altho the raking was tedious, it was at this point that I began melding with these energies of the inner earth. I meditated, prayed, gave thanks, and celebrated the opportunity to be physically, mentally and financially able to create such a work of beauty. Altho, the beauty wasn’t quite apparent immediately, by the time I finished raking out what was now almost a 60 foot radius, the inner beauty and bigger picture began to unfold.

Raking and more raking.

Beginning May 18, 2003, after I thought I had had about as much physical fun as possible, Wes then informed me the next step would be to order top soil and sand. No problem, which sounded easy enough. Little did I realize that all the top soil and sand would need to be brought into and distributed around the inside of the Labyrinth-to-be, one wheelbarrow load by one wheelbarrow load by one wheelbarrow load.

A few days of hauling top soil and sand, just when I thought I had about worn out my physical body completely, I sat down to rest, contemplate and watch the rain clouds moving in. Looking upward, the most beautiful of rainbows appeared, seemingly gifted just to me. The overwhelming Love that radiates forth from any rainbow deserves total admiration, where ever it appears. Whenever I’ve found that I need a spiritual reassurance for any reason, a beautiful rainbow appears, so the timing of this one, although not surprising, was a most welcomed delight.

I remember thinking that the month of May was wild. I worked and worked, using every muscle in my body and when the month of June began, I thought it would just have to be easier than the month of May. I was in for another wild ride as I had no idea of all that would need to be accomplished in the next 30 days. It wasn’t long when I began sensing that I was not working on the Labyrinth alone. I could feel energies surrounding me that weren’t my own, nor were they earthly energies. As I would work, centering and grounding myself, various entities would present themselves from time to time, sometimes identifying themselves, sometimes not. Faces and animals began appearing in Missy Rock, looking down, as if observing. Little did I know that other energies would begin to present themselves in some of the photographs I was taking daily. An example is the following picture in which the tiny blue “ship” appeared for the first of many times. I was only trying to take a picture of the roses that were beginning to bloom in part of the surrounding garden area. The light rays and the ship were not apparent to me in the camera view and it still amazes me that they showed up as they did in the picture.

While waiting for the load of bricks to be delivered, I concentrated on the 10 foot area outside the Labyrinth circle, planting flowers, rose bushes and covering the entire surrounding area with cedar bark. I lost count after opening the 200th bag of bark.

It was on June 8, 2003 that a semi truck showed up with the load of red bricks. That was an exciting day as I knew that now the Labyrinth-to-be would finally begin to look like something other than a landing pad. The first thing we did was stake where the East entrance was to be.

One day, one of my other kids came to visit and see what it was I was really doing. I don’t think my son Andy understood the vastness of building a labyrinth and all that it entails. I think he thought he would drive up here and “see something”….instead he found the landing pad with mounds of dirt and sand and stacks of brick. A bit disappointed he was, I believe, but my darling granddaughter could see all kinds of possibilities for helping Grandma and Grandpa. She didn’t hesitate to pitch right in filling the wheel barrow with sand.

And then of course when it was break time, Taylor and Cousin Ashley just had to slide down the sand pile, which was a lot more fun than filling the wheelbarrow. On June 9 we were finally ready to begin working with the bricks. I was excited and impatient by this time, fully ready to “see” the finished Labyrinth.

Remember, I mentioned the rainbow energies that appear at the exact time acknowledgment/confirmation is desired? Just as we began, another beautiful rainbow appeared. It was amazing, because there were no rain clouds, no signs of any rain storm. Behold, the rainbow appeared!

Continue the Labyrinth Journey Here

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