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...what YOU gotta be.....

Heylo *giggles* this is my site..Kinda boring...but it's a start right? HeHe...I'm going to keep working on it..... ~manda~ ~Spread a little Love~ I don't think I've ever experience TRUE love before...because it involves two people loving each other so much that they can't imagine not being with them right? Well I've experienced that end of it..but not being loved back. They say that your true love is your only love, that with this person you will spend your life forever with. *Love is not wanting to go to sleep because your reality is better than you dreams.* Cliche right? Not for people that know. I wanted devote a little section for all you love birds out there...I've always wondered what it was like you fall in love but love isn't suppose to hurt. My interpretation is probably very different from others but love...Love is something sacred and no matter what. Life and death won't ever separate true love...from one world into the next. If love was a universal hurt..I'd gladly suffer.

other stuff

~*jUsT nOtHeR wHiTe dUde*~
~*aLL bOuT mEEEh*~