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Fresh, Handcrafted Beers

A light ale meant to be refreshing.  There should be a hoppy aroma imparted by hops from the

Pacific Northwest.  The beer is very light in color, and the content is low to keep from filling you up.  This is our most popular brew.

A red colored ale that contains a complex malt bill.  Pale malts give it a heavy body while crystal malts from lands abroad give it color and sweetness.  This ale has been dry hopped to enhance its floral aroma.

Hang on, buckaroo!!  This breed starts out malty sweet, then the hops cut loose and spur this

sorrel beauty into a bitter ride.  American hops give this beer its bittering and aroma profiles.

We’re not sure when Bob rolled into town.  He’s kind of gruff, sooty black...smells a bit roasted like his appearance.  He still has a sweet

demeanor, but watch out – he packs a stout punch.  To say the least, Bob has a very complex


A little less beer than “Bob.”  This beer is not quite as dark.  It has a slight roasted flavor from the chocolate malt.  The hop flavor is clean.  It is a good beer to turn you towards the dark side...of beer.

The warm weather of summer makes this beer a big hit.  It is not as heavy as our other beers, nor is the hop flavor overpowering.  This style of beer originated in Germany and contains nearly equal parts barley and wheat.  A completely different strain of yeast is used to produce some of the

esters that taste like banana.

Brewmaster Specials

Brewed by:  Dan Hinesley and his sidekick, Mitch

Our newest brew—Wee Bastard!