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I had performed as Boy George for the company picnic 2001. For 2002 I wanted to do something completely different.

For months, I spoke with friends about my idea to put on a show as "The Maloneys", Italian style gangsters.

The time finally came and I had several volunteers: Kim Spears, Brandon Tackett, Adam Hamilton and Melissa McKinney.

We practiced the night before and got our routine down. We originally had 6 songs planned.

Kim introduced us as A.J.'s cousin, Domenica. She said that A.J. always got into fights when he was a boy.

At that point, I spoke up "Mama used to say it was too much testosteroni". I got several laughs out of that one.

We performed three songs. The first two were "Rio" and "Hungry Like The Wolf" and the last song was "Electric Barbarella".

I had called all over trying to find a mannequin to borrow for the picnic and finally found one at Messers Department Store. We included Barbarella in our performance.

In "Rio" we had a volunteer to walk up to the stage and flirt with Barbarella. A.J. gets angry and cries "He don't mess with Barbarella!" and tries to fight him, but Zohanbaptista and Paolo-Marco hold him back.

The three gangsters discuss the situation and then drag the man off the stage. I had a cap gun and fired several blanks at the man. He did a great job and lay there the whole time, twitching every once in awhile.

In "Hungry Like The Wolf" Brandon put on a wolf mask and stalked through the crowd.

In "Electric Barbarella" A.J. is singing to the mannequin and ends up being hand cuffed to her.

We had a great time as the Maloney's and I hope to get to make a video with this same bunch sometime soon.