Adult Education

Spring 2001

Thursday Evening Courses March 2001

Ongoing Courses | Family Education |

Special Events March-May 2001| learn@jts

Thursday Evenings

March 15, 22, 29

7:45-9:15 PM


Memories of Passover bind generation to generation. Join us as we walk through the Haggadah and begin our series on home rituals. We will read through the Haggadah and see where we can add (and where we can cut), creating meaningful Seder experiences for us and for those joining us for Passover.

Rabbi Barry Kenter

Introduction to Hebrew

Begin to learn how to read Hebrew and the Aleph-Bet. Judi Kenter

Introduction to Hebrew #2

Learn to read Hebrew. Must know the Aleph-Bet.

Sylvia Lubliner, Adi Tamir

Aleph, Bet, Gimmel Daven: The Sequel

You've heard of: Shema, Barachot, Kiddush, Zemirot, Piyyut, Zichronot, Ne'ilah, Hakafot, Tashlich, Bedikot Chametz, Sefirat Ha'Omer, maybe even---Tal, Geshem, Akdamut & Hasha'not. But have you heard of: Berach Dodi, Kedusha DeSidra, Haparot...........We will come across some of these prayers as we begin or continue our adventures on the highways and byways of the Siddur.

Cantor George Giventer

Discovering Our Stories(Midrash)

A look at the origins of Rabbinic story telling or Midrash with an eye toward finding and creating our own personal and family stories.

Ellen Cohn, Family Life Educator

Ongoing Courses

Every Sunday Morning

Bible and Bagels (9:15- 10:00AM)

Each Sunday morning we meet to discuss a section from the Humash, the five books of Moses. Join the camaraderie that comes from learning together. Breakfast fee $3.

Rabbi Barry Kenter

Bible Too: Perek Yomi(10:00-10:50AM)

Explore Jewish history with us as we participate in the Perek Yomi program of the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism. We began with the book of Joshua and read daily chapters from our people's history. New participants are always welcome.

Rabbi Barry Kenter


Alternate Monday Mornings

Yiddish-Keep the language alive

Check Hamvaser for starting dates

Anna Rockowitz

Family Education

Sunday Mornings

PEP:Parallel Education Project

For parents of children enrolled in the GHC Hebrew School. Meets concurrently with the Hebrew school.

Ellen Cohn, Family Life Educator

The Adult Education courses above are intended for adults and college students.

Special Events Spring 2001

Thursday, March 29 (7:45PM)

An Evening of Folk Dancing and Folk Singing


Andrea Giventer & Bob Wetter

Monday, March 19 (7:45pm)

The Jewish Music You Never Learned in Hebrew School

Sing along with some less known Jewish tunes and learn the music of today's best Jewish composers and songwriters.

Gillian Steinberg, GHC Music Director

Women's Rosh Hodesh Group

Thursday, May 3

A Special Evening Designed for Members of GHC at the Rare Book Room of the JTS.

Join us on a mid-May weeknight for a guided tour of the Rare Book Room of the Jewish Theological Seminary, one of the most prestigious Jewish libraries in the world. A Seminary librarian with special expertise will open up some of the Seminary's treasure to us. A light meal will precede our visit. Handicap accessible. Date to be confirmed; PTBA

Rabbi Barry Kenter



Adult Education Committee

Howard Baskin, Ellen Cohn, Cynthia Hertz, Hilda Jochnowitz, Paul Kerson, Sylvia Lubliner, David Rothstein, Judy Fried-Siegel and Faye Woocher.



GHC Adult Education Instructors

Ellen Cohn: GHC’s Family Life Educator is interested in motivating us to have more Jewish experiences in various settings.


Cantor George Giventer: Our talented Torah reader desires to encourage families to learn to read and study Torah together.


Andrea Giventer: Andrea has sudied voice for many years and has performed in recital, in concert, in community theater and the Queens College Opera Studio. She has performed for many community organizations.


Rabbi Barry Kenter: Our very knowledgeable leader is always ready to help us learn more about our Torah, our history, our people and our traditions.


Judi Dickstein Kenter: She has taught all levels of Hebrew and conducted workshops for the Women’s League in areas such as: Membership, Torah Fund, Jewish Living, Tallit, Creative Jewish Handcrafts and Becoming more confident in the Synagogue.


Sylvia Lubliner: She has taught on both the High School and College levels and has a very strong Jewish background with an extensive Hebrew education. Past president of GHC Sisterhood.


Anna Rockowitz: Our Yiddish Scholar-in-Residence shares her knowledge and love of Yiddish. The class is open to all but familiarity with the Yiddish alphabet is helpful. Poems, songs, proverbs and stories are included.


Gillian Steinberg: GHC’s Music Director, Gillian is an English Professor at Yeshiva University and, in her spare time, sings and plays the piano and violin.


Adi Tamir: Adi, born in Jerusalem, is happy to return as a Hebrew instructor to GHC’s Adult Ed program. She looks forward to sharing the knowledge and love of their native language to fellow congregants.


Bob Wetter: Over 40 years ago, Bob Wetter began Israeli dancing and performing. He has taught both Israeili and International Dance for over 30 years. .His credits include performing at Madison Square Garden, The 1964 World’s Fair, Carnegie Hall, Westbury Music Fair, The Catskill Mountain Resorts, Atlantic City and a President’s Inaugral. He brings a wealth of knowledge and love of dance to his teaching.

The Jewish Theological Seminary
& Greenburgh Hebrew Center
invite you to visit  learn @ jts

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Make sure to select Greenburgh Hebrew Center as your co-sponsor.

Last updated: March 12, 2001 / 17 Adar 5761


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