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Fartz Facts about signal bouncers

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Ahh the signal bouncer. The Rock Springs one you see in the center can be seen from pretty much anywhere in town. You may also notice, that it is bigger than the Green River and Wilkins Peak SB(bottom) one. Why is this you may ask? Well, since Rock Springs is a bigger town, it has more radio stations, and lots of other telecommunication sites that broadcast signals. Well this presents a problem if you don't wnat your signals getting away and going somewhere else. Why not keep them in one spot. Thats the basic use of these. To keep signals from going over the hills. The Green River signal bouncer is smaller for two reasons. One, it's size makes it easyier to transport, and Two, it is barely visible from down in the valley. No spray paint on this one, unless you want to walk up a steep a** hill to get to it. White Mountian's is on a road, so it has a little vandalism on it. That is the basic uses of these mysterious things. There are also two near Wilkins Peak seen above at bottom. The arrows show where the SBs are and where White Mountain is in relation to them. Another major use of these is for far away signals from other towns, (Kemmerer for example) which hit it and then are directed down into the valley. That is why KAOX 107.3 from Kemmerer is audiable from Green River to about Superior. The signal bouncers in both of the towns have helped. KRKK is another example. I could not hear that station at perfect reception unless I had a really decent antenna, but the signal bouncer helps get the lower power night AM over the hill.