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Wyld's Kingdom

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I'm gonna take up a little of your time now to tell you a little about me.
Well, in 1995 I logged on for the first time,since then I've been quite a demon.
I'm from Louisiana and have lived here almost all my life. I did a two year stint in the military...U.S.Army.Yes I did make it to the party
in the "sandbox"...Desert Storm. There was no wine and very few availible women so I sang no songs. I've had quite a colorfull employment history as well; I moonlighted in several bars while I was in the service and after I came home I worked at Wal-mart, worked in another bar, Painted airplanes,Drove a "hotshot"truck, Then I decided to try cross-country truckin',well I did that for 10 months then I had enough, then came my adventure in masochism; I was an assistant manager for a tobacco store...all work and no pay. I'm currently working for a commercial/residential cleaning service and is a pretty decent job though my co-works are a little strange(that's saying alot huh?). Things are going well at home the family has settled permanantly on the Double D ranch. Double "D" stands for "Daddy's Dream"...This is something that he's been wanting to do for a long time. So He's the rancher, I'm the Ramrod, My nephew is the hand(if we can ever get him to work).hahaha As for my online persona; AcesWyld is an ever evolving enigma...stemming from my fascination was vampires, magicians, pirates, knights and of symbols. I really hope you enjoy my little place in cyberspace. I don't have a regular online schedule as I once did but I do try to be online quite a bit. perhaps we'll talk sometime.I can usually be found in The Garden of loving Discipline.As you probably imagined I am a Dom there and can be found there enjoying the time I can spend with My F/friends.

Translated excerpt of Captain Harlock TV Opening Theme Song
The sea of Space is my sea
It is my endless longing.
The song of Earth is my song
It is my un-discardable home...
Oh my friend,
even if I know it is a world with no tomorrow
I have to, nevertheless,
keep on fighting to protect it....
"Throwing away my life, I live on;
throwing away my life, I live on."

Let's take a moment to discuss one of my favorite things... no. Not women. I'm talking about Anime. There's all kinds. You have the cute and fuzzy type like Pokemon and there's Dragon BallZ also you have SailorMoon. On the other hand you have the hard hitting epics like Akira and Vampire Hunter D. The ones you see on the cartoon channel is what I call "watered down". Its for children under 12. Sure some of them are nice, the art and storylines but I prefer a little more "brass". For those that aren't familiar with anime there are some things you should that the japanese show alot of ########...some are pretty common. For example alot of characters are teenaged so you'll see the "schoolgirl" quite often such as in Project A-ko. Another ###### displayed is "upskirt" or as We westerners call it "panty shots" You see that alot in Agent Aika. Another obsession is large breasts...Hey everybody likes those, huh? Another is incest..I know what you're saying but believe it or not that particular one has a large underground following in Japan and has made its way here to the states so expect to see more of it in the harder animes. Just tellin' ya so you won't be suprised. Now I'm sure you're wondering what anime I like so I'll give you My top ten picks:

Content-v:violence l:language n:nudity sc:sexual content ssc:strong sexual content
Themes-sa: space m: mecha F:fantasy f:future pa: post apocolyptic
Numbers-minimum age(my opinion only yours may vary)
1) Hellsing (v)F-13
2) Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust (v)F-13
3) Galaxy Express 999 (v) sa-11
4) Adieu Galaxay Express999 (v) sa-11
5) Agent Aika 1/2/3 (v,l,n) f-14
6) Darkside Blues (v,l) f-13
7) Vampire Hunter D (v) F-13
8) Armitage-Dual Matrix(v) f-13
9) Harlock Saga (v) sa-11
10) Escaflowne (v) F-13
some are series, some are movies.

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Many have visited My kingdom in the past and remember how it was..well things change and so has the kingdom. Many new pages include two for My writings. Poetry can be found on My words page and stories will be found in story corner.Lioness' Den is still under construction and it is for Lioness in Boots who I warmly refer to as "sassy Twin"*hugs for her* , nothing lasts forever..not even the Kingdom, do enjoy it while it lasts
Wyld words Lioness' Den Wyld's story corner
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