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~Welcome 2 The West-Side~

Hi there welcome to my first web page. That has to do with different things like talking bout' me, and my hobbies, and i'am also doin' a memory page on my buddy 2pac. And A Lil' Fam. Page too. and ~Welcome 2 The West-Side~.
Hey Whatz' up? here i'am goin' to talk bout' myself my name is Shaun, this is my first web page. i'am 20 years old goin' on 21. I'am From Canada. i want to be an actor, i'am already a real §mart @$$ Comedian. I have been working on some big plans so my plans are to play pro-basketball be an actor/celeberity/entreprenuer/model maybe? i like 2 just hang out with friends just chillin' listen 2 music i like R&B,Rap,Reggae. i like to chat and meet new people chat to sexy nice girlz, i like working with computers and electronics. Thatz' All 4 Now! Right now i'am goin' to show some pics. Come Check It Out Hope U Like It.

Here is some pics from My Side ~The West-Side~!! U and I Know What Side Is Really Tha' Best Side.

Here is My Memory page of my buddy 2pac R.I.P. Buddy C-U When I Get There. Here are some pics. i know some thing people don't know bout' 2pac that only i know. and that is me and 2pac have a connection. i have a chat name in memory of my buddy pac :-( and i also now have a page on my first web page in memory of my buddy pac. i also have music and listen to music in memory of my buddy. and i love to write poetry and well i have a poem that 2pac wrote and it is something exactly what i would write. this has happened more than once i was listening to his music and all of the sudden it felt like he was really here beside me with me i felt cold i had goosebumps it was real how 2pac is the realist. i'am also 4real. it is weird. i will also have some links 4 2pac sites!! soon. Here Is Some 2pac Poetry I Write Poetry I Love 2 Write Poetry But I Will Continue With The Story I Do Love 2 Write Poetry But I Found Out In My Connection With My Buddy 2pac. That The Poetry I'am Goin' To Put Here Really Sounds Alot Like The Poetry I Write. Ambition Over Adversity: Take one's adversity Learn from their misfortune Learn from their pain Believe in something Believe in yourself Turn adversity into ambition Now blossom into wealth by Tupac Shakur by Shaun Miller
Hey there how R U Doin'? U Like my first web page still not done still under contruction!! This is goin' to be my Lil' Fam. Page right here and it will also talk bout' some of my Big plans that i have been Working on and i will also tell a Really Really Great and also Really Really Important Basketball story 2 and some of my Big Plans are coming Really Closer Now!! I Love Basketball You Could say i'am an expert. I Love 2 help people with Basketball or other things too. I Have An Idea Since I'am An Expert on Sports Especially Basketball And I Teach It Too. I Know Everything Bout' Basketball That Is why I Made A Chat Room 4 Real Basketball Players Only And I'am Soon To Set Up A Really Really Great Basketball Service. I Know Top Secret Stuff That Alot Of Real Basketball Players & Coaches Don't!! That Is Why I'am Setting Up This Really Really Great Basketball Service. I have some Cousins Who' Play Pro Basketball Soon I might be Playin' Pro Basketball 2 Sports R My Gifts and Blessings!!! right now i'am talkin' to a Uni. Basketball Coach from here and he is helping me out and I told Him that he could go talk To a Real Good Friend of Mine and of The Fam. (Connections) I have also Recieved like 2 Big Envelopes from the NCAA. and i'am also talkin' to a guy from the NCAA. and He is Helping Me out too. He said they have Scouting Services and that He is Goin' to Send Me All The (411) Information I Need and that I should make a List of Colleges/Universities that I'am Interested In. and see if I Can Initiate some Contacts with some of like Colleges/Universities. I Have Like 3 Contacts Already!!! and i Still have a Big List 2 Check Out!!! I'am Still Checking Out My List And Options... Here Are Goin' 2 Be Some Fam. Pics. From Some Of The Cousins That I Have That Do Play Pro Basketball But There Is One Cousin I Have That Will Not be on here i will tell you bout' her She Played Pro Basketball Over Seas In Australia For 2 Years!!! She Really Enjoyed It. I'am Thinking When I Play Pro Basketball that I Might Wanna Play Pro Basketball Over Seas Like My Cuz Did. Anywayz Letz' Get 2 The Pics....

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