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Time Line of Events. . .

From 140 000 BCE (Before Common Era) to 1999

140 000 BCE: Humans and wolves establish a common bond. DNA shows dogs evolved from wolf ansestors about 135 000 and humans evolved with them

75 000 BCE: Discoveries are made of Cults based on creatures such as bears, wolves and other animals.

25 000 BCE: Cave paintings are made by the Franco-Cantabrian cave artists. The depicted anamorphic figures like humans with the heads of animals.

6000 BCE: Cave paintings of hunters with leopard skins show how hunting was common amung early tribes.

3000 BCE: The Spinx of Egypt is made. It had the body of a human and the head of a lion, showing God-like power and spiritual nature of the world.

2000 BCE: It has been suggested that this was the date Epic of Gilgamesh was writting, the first written tale of a werecreature like being.

1000 BCE: Tales of transforming become popular in Greece. Gods/Goddesses and even hero's can change themselves and others into different creatures.

850 BCE: It has been suggested The Odyssey (Homer) was wirtten. Many were creatures and shape-shifters were written about, such as Circe who turned people into pigs.

750 BCE: The given date that Remus and Romulus founded Rome. Both brothers had been suckled by a she wolf in their earlier years.

540 BCE: Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylon, suffers a mental illness in which he acted like an animal. He allowed his beard and hair to grow. This state lasted for nearly 4 years.

500 BCE: The Sythians believed the Neuri turned themselves into werewolves during a yearly, religious festival.

100-75 BCE: Great Roman poet, Virgil, told about a werewolf, Moeris, and claims he had learned magic such as raising the dead.

28: Jesus of Nazareth excersized 2 were/ghoul type men, who lived among the dead in a cemetary outside of Gararenes on the shores of Galilee

150: Apuleius traveld to Thessaly where he encounred magical practices of shape shifting and was turned into an ass.

175: Pausanias, a Greek traveller, geographer and auther, goes to Arcadia and sees Lycanian Werewolves.

410: St. Agustine, a clergyman, told of sorceresses who gave cheese their victomes cheese that would make them turn into creatures of burden.

650: Paulus Aegineta said that "melancholic lycantropia" was a black and dimal frame of mind. People who had "melancholic lycantropia" would leave their homes and wander in cemetarys, taking refuge behind the tombstones, and saw themselves as werewolves.

725: The approxamate date that Beowulf was written. It was a poem about a viking (a likely member of a boar cult) who fought against a monster.

731:Venerable Bede tells of a host of were creatures that haunted the night.

774: The Chronicles of Deny's tell about wolflike monsters that tarrorized what is today the region of Iraq.

840: Agobard wrote about evil demons of the mountains. It was said that they appeared as man-beasts.

872: The first reference to the Berserker, fierce warriors who went into battle wearing animal skins, was in haraldskvaeoi

906: Belief in witchcraft or powers of sorcerors that could change humans into animals was condemed. The Christian Clergy was determined to stamp out all allegiance to the Goddess Diana. It was believed that witches had supernatural powers and that humans could be turned into werewolves.

930: Pope Leon hears about 2 sorceresses who change some of their guestes into animals for amusement. One victom is said to have regained his true form by eating roses.

1000: Deacon Burchard stressed that only God could cahnge shapes of humans. He claimed that stories of wild men and women of the woods, and acts of shape shifting magic were false, and that tyhe term "werewolf" meant outlaw.

1022: The first heretic is burned in Orleans

1101: Prinve Vseslav of Palock died. he was an alleged werewolf.

1182: A welsh Historian, Giraldus camrensis learns of an Irish tribe with members that turns themselves into wolves at their Yuletide Feast.

1198: Marie de France composed Bisclavret, the "Lay of a Werewolf".

1205:Abbot Ralph of Essex describes strange demons who appear after thunderstorms.

1214: Gervaise of Tilbury reports cases in Auvergne in which men were seen to take the forms of wolves during a full moon.

1220: Caesarius of Heisterbach (Author of Dialogue of Miricales) describes numerous accounts of shapeshifting, pacts with Satan, and mysterious flights through air.

1257: The church officially sanctions torture as a means of forcing witches, werewolves, shapeshifters and heretics to confess.

1275: A woman in Tolouse is found guilty of sexual intercourse with an incubus and of giving birth to a child who is half wolf, half snake.

1300: Volsunga depicts an outlaw father and son who become werewolves and establish a dynasty.

1324: Ireland's first witchcraft trial occurs when Alice Kyteler is found guilty of consorting with a demon who could appear as a tall man, a black cat, or a shaggy dog.

1344: Witch Hunters announce they have found a wolf child at Hesse.

1407: Werewolves are tortured and burned at the stake in Basil at witch trials.

1521: Three werewolves of Poligny, were acoused of eating children and consorting with she-wolves. They were burnt at the stake after confessing they achieved their transformations with a magic salve.

1697: Perrault's Contes includes "little Red Riding Hood."

1848: The moon turns blood red during an eclipse and sets off an epidemic of werewolf sightings.

1888: Jack the Ripper terrorizes London with his werewolf like slashings and mutilations of prostitues.

1999: The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejects an attempt to patent a technique for creating human-animal hybrids.

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