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Charity's Webpage

Dragons 2000

Welcome to my Webpage! The objective of this site is to keep my family and friends updated on the goings on in my crazy life.


Wow has it been a long time since I updated this page! I doubt anyone is even looking anymore :) Things are going well but I really don't have much news right now, sorry. My crazy life has become rather stagnant and complacent. I work a lot, or at least it seems like I work a lot. I haven't been dating in a long time (like a year and a half long-ish now)... well maybe that's misleading. Let me rephrase, I haven't been on more than 3 dates with a person of interest in a year and a half and even those under three dates have been few and far between. Mainly because I've been enjoying living alone, but mostly because I just hate dating. I'm trying to get back into it... my internal clock started ticking for the first time in my life about two months ago and I suddenly want to settle down with someone special. Now I just have to find them... and oh yeah, did I mention I hate dating?

I go out with my friends to new and exciting restraunts around town every three months or so. Last month we went to Le Central and I had the Mahi Mahi. The food was excellent, the service needed less attitude, but the atmosphere was great.

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