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Tower Magic

Tower Magic

It’s interesting to write a page about ‘Tower Magic’ because the town is completely centered around magic and magic-related creatures. You really need to have high-quality magic when you play the Tower if you want to use the town to its full worth and potential.
Mage Guild
The Tower has a level 5 mage guild, the highest possible, which means that they get spells of each level. Tower spells tend to lean more toward beneficial and movement spells, although they certainly get some high-powered destruction spells as well. The Tower gets a lot of Air spells, which means that they are good candidates for such spells as Dimension Door, Chain Lightning, and Fly. They also have a decent probability of getting Summon Elemental spells. Unfortunately, because of these, their chances of getting Implosion, the single most powerful destruction spell, fall slightly.
Wall of Knowledge
This special building fits well with the Tower. It gives all visiting heroes +1 to knowledge. You really want to have good knowledge with a Tower hero, so that later in the game you can utilize all those high-power spells you have.
This is a fabulous special building for the Tower. The Library adds on to the Mage Guild, and provides you with one extra level 5 spell! With a strong magic hero (like you should have if you are playing a tower) just one extra level 5 can be incredibly useful.

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