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~Author's Circle~

"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind.
And therefore is wing'd cupid painted blind.
Nor hath love's mind of any judgement taste.
Wings and no eyes figure unheedy haste.
And therefore is love said to be a child.
Because, in choice, he is so oft beguiled."
-Helena from "A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare

What is this place? Somewhere the highest mountain top reaches the ocean's deepest caverns of the darkest seas...where the horizon is as near as the next dream, the twilight never ends, the dawn stays frozen in it's glass of tears...A world where you will find the imagination and creativity of different authors/poets, come to life...

Anyone is invited, and if one would wish, contact me to create their own spot here in this throve of wonders...

KONNICHI WA!!! Hello everyone, and welcome to my friend Jamila's site. In case you don't know, she LOVES to write and is a damn good author at that. Unfortunately, though, she has been temporarily cut-off from the life source otherwise known as the Internet. So this is Christine, speaking in her stead, and welcome to the Author's Circle!

Please be patient, I bet most of the stories and novels here will be left unfinished...but the more you contact us and lets us know you want it finished, we'll feel the inspiration a lot faster than you can imagine =0)

Remember, this page is HUGELY under construction at the moment! And will continuously be so with the contributions I will get from different people…


What have I added? What links are only up for the show? Have I fixed up anything?
THIS PAGE IS CURRENTLY IN A TRANSITION PHASE! We are revamping the site using Front Page, and once done, we'll put it here so you all can visit it. Sorry for the inconvenience, everyone, and sorry for not updating it sooner. See you soon! ^_^ Aug. 19. 1998
Note from the site owner:In case you touch the link and find yourself in the same page, please press your RELOAD or REFRESH button!

PLEASE, ^_^ DO NOT FORGET TO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK! I'd love to hear from you! Thanks!


This is a fairly large category, and a lot can be found here. Asvin is a world that was originally created by me, but I've recruited Jam as my co-creator. Since then, we have both built on this world until it has become a major part and a wonderful excuse to write poems and shorts stories. Asvin is the planet in the book "Born Of The Forces", which will be featured here as soon as she can crack the stupid password…she still can't believe she forgot it…AND I'M GOING NUTZ JUST THINKING ABOUT WHAT NEEDS TO BE WRITTEN! *ahem* Sorry.

Broken Poems

These page is one where Jam still speaks.. The style is quite refreshing, I must say. Sentences break off write in the middle, but still create a clear picture of what happens.


Completed poems go over here (meaning they're not beautiful, obscure fragments but worth looking at anyway!)

Dark Stories

Jamila started these when she was in Grade 7, and they are fondly called "Psycho Stories", since the people in these stories are usually psychotic…she really does like them though, and they end really well…


Jamspeech: So far, there are only two, and barely even past Part One…both are about Ranma ½. I LOVE THAT ANIME!!! I love ALL ANIME!!! A guest author would be a really good friend of mine, Nicole (or just plain Nik) who's fanfic is linked with my own(I'm writing the third part, she write the first. Let's all give her credit, it was HER idea…)

Jamspeech: This category is of those stories that are still in the works(like all of mine! *LOL*) and don't quite fit in any other place…here I have my story "Battle Rage: The Legend of Aquarius"(inspired by "Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture") and "Yin And Yang"à my own anime series! And also my LINKS page!

But there will be songs, very short stories(parts from a full story) and so on…

Chrispeech: Hey, guess what! I've got a big project in the making too... actually, it's a comic, and it's not written in ordinary prose, it's written script style. I'll have it up in a couple of days... please read it and help me think of a real catchy title! Oh, and one for the team, too... If this ever makes it big time, I'll be sure to put you in the credits, but I can't promise you profits, or anything, sorry! Just help a struggling writer here, okay? *LOL*

Until next time, There will be more categories and hopefully more authors! Remember, if you want to post something here, please e-mail me (hopefully at the webquest addy, the only reason I have a hotmail addy is because I ran out of space for this page, and I needed a new addy so I could link the two angelfire pages…! I'll get back to you within 24 hours at the latest! ((I check my mail almost 10 times everyday!)) Please stop by again, there are sure to be changes!

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Contact Jamila through ICQ, her number is number is 2568124. And her user name is "Goddess Urd" ^_^;;

THANKS FOR COMING! Please come back soon, I love updating my page! ^_~ Hope you signed the GUESTBOOK! Sayonara! ^_^

Disclaimer: All text on this page is either copyright of Jamila Nedjadi, Christine del Castillo, or any other writers currently contributing to the Author's Circle. All images on this page (Akane's pic on the top, the pics for the diff. sections of the site) were gathered from the Internet, and in no way belong to/are created by us. Do NOT copy or reproduce any of the work here, or you will be faced with serious charges.

THANK YOU!! Without your support, we would have never made 500 visitors! Keep it up, folks!! And be back often, because this page is always being updated!
