A few of my hobbies:
Check out my
Photo Album!

Text-based perpetual calendar

Test your Intelligence!
Take the Densa Quiz!

I also enjoy reading when I am not
doing school or on the computer.

I like Calvin and Hobbes
comics for one thing.
I finally made a links page

If you want me to link
to you, .

If you are visiting this page for the first time, why not tell me what you think of it? !
If you can’t think of anything else to say, tell me how you found my page. I get way too little mail anyways.
Plus, if you have a website, you can tell me where it is, and I’ll go take a look at it too. Maybe I’ll put your site on my links page.

Just in case you haven’t noticed, this page changes color. Every month (well, most months) it changes color to go with that month. (I did that with JavaScript. See down below for more of my programs.) So come back next month and see what happened! I also have some music for certain months, so don’t be surprised if you drop by sometime and a song starts playing.

This is just several MIDIs that I have found here and there. Click here to go to my MIDI page.
It’s not a whole lot of songs, but at any rate, I like them. If I didn’t, I guess they wouldn’t be here, right?!

My Programming
I enjoy programming in Basic (QBasic, GW-Basic, PowerBasic), HTML, and JavaScript.
I have several of my favorite programs here on my site. They are .EXE files that I compiled from PowerBasic. Check them out. Click the fancy-lookin’ button I made to go to my main programming page.
My Programs

The files are zipped, so I recommend using 7-Zip to extract them (it’s free).

If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, etc. on my programs, homepage, or just wanted to say hi, send me an email.

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