Igatona's Website

Yes, yes, I know, I know, what happened to the Giant Hamster Abbott that made us laugh and be all happy about stuff and wanting to kill Radio Shack? Well, screw him, he ain't me no more. Yes, double negative, thank you, I know, I know. Don't forget to not let the door hit you on your ass on your way out. For those of you still interested and not shocked that I wrote a double negative, please stay a while, read my poetry and other shit I wanna upload here, and have a good time. If you want, you can always sign my guestbook.

This page was made with some crappy HTML knowledge, and thus the webmaster isn't responsible for you barfing on your monitor after the site design. You are solely responsible of your actions, mostly because I'm a sick fuck that doesn't pay attention to others.

E-mail : themysticalpoulet@hotmail.com

Everything on this site (Except the sprites, which are copyright of their own companies) is copyright 2002 Igatona. Don't steal or else I'll be forced to take drastic actions, and believe me, you wouldn't like that.