Oilfield 101

Making Sense of Oilfield Data

Baffled by Oilfield Jargon? So are lots of people!

We aren't born knowing what "NU/BOP," "D/O insert," or "POOH" means, but there is a class where a person can learn. Lucky me, I teach it!

Class Description:

The class will step thru the life cycle of a well, from drilling to plug and abandon. After this introduction, I will go thru a well history narrative and translate the jargon. In addition to a full history for the example well, several short examples of typical well file data will be explained.

After taking this class, you'll be able to:
For a brochure on EUCI's Oilfield 101 Click Here..
For a brochure on EUCI's Frac 101 Click Here..
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