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Wav Files
(Mufasa Wav Files)

Welcome to the "Mufasa" section! Here are featured all of the wav clips I could make from Disney's hit, 'The Lion King'. All of these files were created for a character shrine for Mufasa called 'Pride Rock'. Pride Rock featured info about the character's voice, pictures, wav clips (of course) and a few other this and thats. I stopped updating a long time ago, and closed down. I saved all of the wav files however, and they are on this page for your listening enjoyment.

Download all of the wavs in one .zip file! (1.07 MB)

1. Mufasa: " Scar! Drop him." (85k)

2. Mufasa: " Don't turn your back on me, Scar." (62k)

3. Mufasa: " Before sunrise he's your son..." (157k)

4. Mufasa: " That's beyond our borders , you must never go there, Simba."
Simba: "But I thought a king can do whatever he wants!"
Mufasa: "Oh, there's more to being king than getting your way all the time..." (194k)

5. Mufasa: "Let an ol' pro show you how it's done..."
Zazu: "I told the elephants to forget it, but they can't..."
Mufasa: "Zazu, would you turn around?"
Zazu: "Yes, sire."
Mufasa: "Stay low to the ground..."
Zazu: "What's going on?"
Mufasa: "A pouncing lesson..." (325k)

6. Mufasa: " Zazu! Take Simba home. " (38k)

7. Mufasa: " Zazu! "
Zazu: "Yes, Sire?"
Mufasa: "Take Nala home, I've got to teach my son a lesson..." (207k)
8. Mufasa: " Simba, I'm very dissapointed in you!"
Simba: "I know..."
Mufasa: "You delibretly disobeyed me, and what's worse, you put Nala in danger."
Simba: "I was just trying to be brave like you!"
Mufasa: "I'm only brave when I have to be. Simba, being brave doesn't mean you go looking for trouble." (487k)

9. Zazu: "Oh, look, sire, the herd is on the move..."
Mufasa: "Odd..." (67k)

10. Mufasa: "Hold on, Simba!" (35k)

11. Mufasa: " Well done, my son! " (TLK II: Simba's Pride, 102k)

If you would like to put any of these sounds on your own page for others to listen to, I ask that you would please use a link to me. It took a lot of time to make them and edit/clean them up, and although I do not claim in anyway to have created the voices and suchlike myself, please respect the time I put into them and link to Zoren Castle . Thank you!

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This The Lion King Ring. site is owned by Danielle

I do not take any claim to the material in these wav sounds, they are all (C) Disney. They were created for the enjoyment of the fans of the products they were taken from and no profit is being made from them. Wav sounds were all recorded by Danielle and not taken from any other websites.