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My Pain, My Tears, My Fears

The hour for us to part
Was upon us
I held you close
I stroked your hair
And, like you
I wished I could freeze time
I felt your tears
I shared your pain
I glimpsed what could have been mine

We kissed
We parted
I turned away
And bowed my head

But little did you know the extent of my pain
Little did you know 
That things would never be the same
And that, my love,
Is why I weep
That is why I sob
Shoulders convulsing
Chest heaving

My vision is blurred
I cant see to write
The tears roll down my cheeks
Unfelt for millennia
The crying
The sobbing
The sound in my throat
So alien
So strange
Is that really me?
I do not cry
I do not.

My heart...
My heart is torn
The source of my pain
The cause of my tears.

"No woman is worth your tears and the only one who is will never make you cry"
                                      - Ever faithful friend (but stolen from a song)