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Darkness Engages

I hide my Darkness
From those around me
No body knows
No one knows my pain
The Darkness Within
The roiling dark emotions
That assault my mind
And stab at my heart
Tearing, scratching, scrabbling
Rending me apart
Ripping me to shreds
Till I am no more
Till I am dead
Of mind not body

I do this alone
As I always have
Always been alone
To solve my own problems
To fight my own battles 
In this war against Darkness
No one knows the true extent
Of what is within me
Would they want to?
Would they care?

Is it my fault?
Am I so closed
That I don't let anybody see?
Or is it just too painful,
To look them in the eye
To show them my pain
To open up
To bare myself
to be vulnerable
My weakness

Oh, where is the Light to guide me?
Who can help me
Who can show me the way?
Who is there?
No one
No body
I am alone

I fight my own battles
I fight my own wars
I fight...
I fail...
I fight
I fall.

In the end
It comes down to one thing

Michael, July 2001


'Hello Darkness my old friend

I've come to see you again.'