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Broken Friendship

I gave you my friendship,
you threw it back at me.

I gave you my heart,
you smashed it to the ground.

Amist the broken pieces of my heart,
I stood up from the ground,
brushed off the dirt,
& covered my wounds for no one to see.

I forgave you,
but the hurt remained.

I gave you my friendship,
you threw it back at me.

I stood up,
& offered it to you again.

& again

& again

& again

Time & again,
I gave you my friendship

& time & again,
you threw it back at me.

No more shall you break my heart.

No more shall you throw my friendship back at me.

No more shall you cause me pain.

No more shall I allow it.

No more.

"Gifts are not to be abused, & friendship is one of the greatest gifts of all"