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Wings of Steel

She gave to me the wings of steel to soar into my dreams
the strength to carry forth on faith
and fly t’ward all my dreams.

She gave me hope for living my childhood fantasies
amidst a world of hopelessness
and empty dignities.

The reason that dawn rose each day, the air that filled my soul
The music in my beating heart
all things that made me whole.

The painted sunsets streamed with hues, the colors freely flowed
the essence of dawns very beauty
was, for she made it so.

She, the Angel, that rescued me and freed me from futility.
Her heart my anchor, her love my rock
her warmth my walls of certainty.

I’ll nought forget the magnitude of what I once held near
the single chance to know real love
the depth of one so dear.

But, like butterflies most fragile wings whence touched by light of dusk
I reached forth, held her one last time
and my life turned into dust.

      velimir. J     25th  March 1998                                

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