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SiteSearcher Applet

c1999 The Gilbert Post

The SiteSearcher Applet provides visitors to your site with a simple way of searching your site. It is distributed as linkware. To add it to your site, follow these directions:

1. Upload the required files to the same directory as the HTML file that will display (above or at the level of files you wish to be searched). The required files are:
  • SiteSearcher.class
  • SearchThread.class
  • ProgressBar.class
(These should have been included with this document.)

2. Paste the following code into the page where you want the applet to appear:

3. Change the pasted code to fit your needs (leaving a link to The Gilber Post!). The "file" parameter is required. Pass it a list of files separated by commas or spaces. (The URLs need to be relative to the page on which the applet is displayed; if the applet is on "" and you want "" to be searched, add "cool.html" to "files.")
  • Only the files specified in "files" are searched.
  • (See the file ex.html for a very basic example.)
  • The "target" parameter specifies which frame to show found pages in.
  • The "startwords" parameter specifies words to be in the search box when the applet first starts. See the file ex_startwords.html for an interesting use of this parameter.

This version of SiteSearcher does not support Boolean expressions or wild card searches (though these features are being investigated). If you experience any problems or have suggestions, please e-mail Though we will do and have done our best to make this applet error free, use it at your own risk.

There is a bug in Netscape's Java implementation that will cause a crash if a user clicks in an empty list. SiteSearcher avoids this problem by always adding an extra entry to the top of the search results.

SiteSearcher is multi-threaded so that it should not lock up the user's computer. It is fully compliant with JDK 1.02 so it should run under all "Java-enabled" browsers. The source code is available upon request from

Linkware Agreement: You will maintain a prominent link to The Gilbert Post ( if you include the SiteSearcher Applet on your site. Other than this, the applet is free. But, as we've said, you are using and displaying the SiteSearcher Applet at your own risk.

Have fun!

SiteSearcher © 1999 The Gilbert Post

The Gilbert Post is an independent student paper serving Gilbert High School of Gilbert, Iowa, and the world (ha). It was founded because at the time (and at present) there was no official school paper, a chasm that needed to be filled. By adding the SiteSearcher and a link to us to your page, you are giving The Gilbert Post a real boost. Thank you. hhF O] O ReadMe.html 4.1 Prefssrv3 seq7TEXTR*ch哳Tg  Q R R_ R R`S1`SU`Sy`S`S`SH Monaco0- RzhPb TPLT3LT3ԳcR*ch HH@R),, `,-^&'dMonaco  Helvetica ConfidentialHhhFe /`FMPSRBBSTLd