Exotic Melee Weapons

Arrowdeath Flail: This +2/+2 dire flail provides excellent protection against projectile attacks. While holding an , the wielder can deflect projectiles and thrown weapons as if she had the Deflect Arrows feat. When taking the total defense action, an arrowdeath flail grants an additional +2 deflection bonus to AC that applies only against ranged weapon attacks.
Strong abjuration; CL 13th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, protection from arrows; 33,690 gp

Assassin Whip: This +1 whip appears to be a living vine of some sort, with leaves shaped like human hands and small clusters of fruit that resemble wild grapes. Gnarled and covered with brown, stingy bark, the assassin whip can be used as a normal whip, but twice a day can be used to make a ranged touch attack against a single Medium or smaller target, causing weeds, grasses, bushes, and even trees to wrap, twist, and entwine about it, holding it fast. If no vegetation is present, the assassin whip causes vines to spring up from the ground. The entangling plants constrict their target, causing 1d6+7 damage with a successful grapple check (the plants' grapple check is with a +8 modifier).
Due to the vegetation, the creature suffers all effects of being entangled.
Note: The DM may alter the effects of the whip, depending on the environment.
Faint transmutation; CL 3rd; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, entangle or web; 11,021 gp

Axe of Shards: This +3 dwarven waraxe has a clear, crystalline blade. Three crystal spikes protrude from the back of the axe head. Although the main blade is as hard as normal steel, all of the three crystal spikes can be removed by the weapon's wielder. Each sharp, balanced spike is treated as a masterwork throwing dagger. The spikes only last for one day after being removed from the axe head, and they cannot be reattached. It takes three days for a spike to regrow enough to be removed and used as a throwing dagger.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, fabricate; 19,330 gp

Axe of Storms: This powerful +4 orc double axe has two intricately carved heads joined by a shaft of blue-tinted wood. Each head bears an ability that that gives the weapon part of its name. One head is thundering, and the other head has the shock quality. Furthermore, at the beginning of each round, the wielder may allocate the +4 enhancement bonus between each head (minimum +0). This allocation lasts until the beginning of the wielder's next round.
Strong evocation; CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, blindness/deafness, and call lightning or lightning bolt; 98,660 gp

Balor's Sword of Flame: The traditional weapon of a balor demon is a +1 vorpal bastard sword sized for a Large creature. This sword can detect good out to a range of 30 feet. These weapons are often mistaken for flaming weapons, because they look like tongues of flame.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, power word kill, detect good, keen edge; 115,870 gp

Balor's Sword of Lightning: A variation on the traditional balor's blade is this +1 brilliant energy shock bastard sword sized for a Large wielder. This weapon can detect law (caster level 12) out to a range of 30 feet. These weapons resemble bolts of lightning.
Because the market price is the same as for the balor's sword of flame, it can be substituted for that weapon with no adjustment to the balor's treasure.
Strong evocation; CL 16th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, continual flame, detect law, gaseous form, and call lightning or lightning bolt; 115,870 gp

Balor's Sword of Smiting: This +5 unholy bastard sword sized for a Large wielder allows its wielder to smite good once per day. The wielder adds his Charisma modifier to the attack roll and deals +10 damage, in additional to the +2d6 of unholy damage the weapon normally deals. This special smite attack is in addition to any smite attacks the wielder may possess, but the wielder cannot use multiple smite attacks from different sources on the same attack. This weapon looks like a bolt of red lightning.
Because the market price of this item is close to that of the balor's sword of flame, it can be substituted for that weapon with no adjustment to the balor's treasure.
Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, unholy blight, creator must be evil and have a smite ability; 118,670 gp

Balor's Sword of Soul Stealing: The most fearsome weapon carried by the balors, this +3 vorpal bastard sword sized for a Large wielder appears as a crackling black-and-blue purple flame. A precious black sapphire is set in the weapon's pommel. When it severs the head of a living creature, the sword draws forth the soul of the victim and imprisons it within the black sapphire as the soul bind spell. The victim receives a DC 23 Will save to avoid the soul bind effect. If the weapon severs the head of a creature with more than 30 Hit Dice, the sapphire shatters without imprisoning the soul, and it must be replaced. The sapphire can contain only one soul at a time, but balors are rumored to know mystic rituals that can draw the soul out of the gem, allowing them to use it for various vile purposes.
Because the market price of this item is signifcantly more expensive than the balor's standad armament, a balor armed with a balor's sword of soul stealing typically only has its whip as any other possible treasure. Strong necromancy; CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, power word kill, keen edge, soul bind; 219,870 gp

Berserker Blade: The enhancement bonus of this +1 or +2 bastard sword increases by +1 when its wielder flies into a barbarian rage.
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, rage; 6,335 gp (+1 bastard sword) or 15,335 gp (+2 bastard sword)

Celestial Blade: This +3 bastard sword sized for a Large creature always shines light equivalent to a torch and its blade is typically engraved with the symbol of the deity served by the planetar.
Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor; 18,335 gp

Chain of Barriers: This is a +1 spiked chain. When commanded with the proper word, however, it expands to become a wall of chains With a second command word, the chain of barriers reverts to weapon form.
Faint evocation; Cl 5th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, wall of chains; 29,325 gp

Chain of Entangling: This hooked +2 spiked chain wraps around foes, entrapping them and dealing continuous damage. On a successful hit, the chain of entangling allows its wielder to grapple the target. On subsequent attacks, the wielder can attempt to hold the target in the chain. Treat the attack as a normal hold attempt that deals the damage of the spiked chain rather than unarmed damage. The target may attempt to break the grapple as normal.
Moderate conjuration; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Evard's black tentacles; 32,325 gp

Charnel Reaver: This +1 dwarven waraxe, usually created by duergar smiths, utterly consumes the physical form of any living creature it slays, requiring a true ressurection spell to bring the creature back to life (raise dead and resurrection will not work).
Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, charnel fire; 108,330 gp

Closing Blade: This +3/+2 two-bladed sword allows its wielder to continue fighting effectively when grappled. Any time the wielder is grappled, he can make attacks against the creature as if the closing blade was a Light weapon.
Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, freedom of movement; 58,700 gp

Electric Lash: The blue-tinged leather of this +2 shock whip seems to spark with small motes of electric energy. Three times per day, the wielder of the electric lash may make an arcing strike. This attack deals an additional +2d6 electricity damage (3d6 total) to the target if the attack is successful. Furthermore, the electric jolt arcs to any one creature within 5 feet of the target. That target takes half as much damage as the first target did. If more than one creature is within 5 feet of the target, roll randomly to see which one is affected by the arc of electricity. Arcing strike damage is not multipled by critical hits.
Moderate evocation; CL 8th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, lightning bolt; 50,301 gp

Everburning Chain: On command, this +1 flaming spiked chain turns into a column of fire. Like other flaming weapons, the fire does not harm the wielder. As a standard action, the wielder can sweep the chain around her head, spreading flame and embers in a 10-foot radius. This attack deals 1d6 fire damage to creatures within the area of effect (Reflex half DC 13) and can cause flammable materials to ignite. Trip attempts made with an everburning chain may ignite the target's clothing if it is flammable.
Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, burning hands, fireball; 22,725 gp

Kama of Pure Aim: Each round, the wielder of this +2 kama can attempt a Wisdom check (DC 20). If this check succeeds, the wielder may ignore any miss chance created by concealment, including effects such as blur and invisibility, but not from incorporeality or the blink spell. Although the kama of pure aim negates the miss chance for striking an invisible target, the wielder must still choose the correct space to hit them.
Strong divination; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, true seeing, creator must have a Wisdom score of 20 or more; 32,302 gp

Khopesh of the Loyal Minion: This +1 khopesh is a favored weapon of minions of Set. When the wielder changes into a form with a natural claw attack, the khopesh merges with the new form and grants the +1 enhancement bonus to one of the creature's claw attacks, as if magic fang had been cast on the weapon. When the user reverts to a form that uses weapons, the khopesh returns to its normal form and function.
Faint transmutation; CL 5th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, polymorph self or creator must have a shape-altering ability; 6,320 gp

Lash of the Sands: This +2 desiccating burst whip is formed of permanently stabilized shapesand. It is twice as heavy as a normal whip and deal lethal damage, which as effective even against opponents in armor. The whip can also entangle an opponent that it hits, as an animate rope spell. The entangled opponent takes 1d6 dessication damage per round it remains entangled.
Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, animate rope and desiccate, wither, or horrid wilting; 56,400 gp

Lash of Torment: Embedded with cruel spikes or iron and glass, effectively making it a whip-dagger. Usually found in the hands of drow slavers or torturers. In the hands of a nondrow, the lash of torment acts merely as a +1 whip-dagger. In addition, every time a nondrow wielder misses when attacking with the lash, it bends around and strikes the wielder. This curse was placed on the weapon to prevent slaves from taking it up against their master. Some drow slavers leave the lash of torment in a place where a slave might find it, watching with delight as the slave suffers the consequences of a missed strike.
In the hands of a drow user, the lash of torment functions as a +3 wounding whip-dagger. On a critical hit, the lash of torment causes tremendous pain, resulting in a -2 penalty to Dexterity and a -4 penalty on all attack rolls, saves, and checks. A Fort save (DC 18) negates this effect. These penalties last 1d10 minutes and any further attacks from the lash of torment against that person during this time have no additional effect on the victim beyond the normal damage delivered.
Strong evocation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, Mordenkainen's sword, symbol of pain; 98,325 gp

Lavalash: A lavalash is a +1 flaming burst whip that seems to be made of a thin strand of molten lava. The handle of the whip is made of obsidian and remains cool to the touch. Although the lavalash's base damage deals nonlethal damage as a normal +1 whip, the additional fire damage can hurt creatures normally.
Three times per day you can cause the strand of lava to detach from the handle as you attack with it. This allows you to make a single ranged touch attack against any target within 60 feet. If you hit, the strand of lava wraps around the target and inflicts standard damage. Additionally, the whip can immediately make a free grapple check to wrap around the target; the whip attacks as though you were making the grapple check against the target. If the whip gets a hold, it holds the target immobile and inflicts 2d6 fire damage each round it maintains the hold. The strand of lava fades away into nothingness if it ever fails a grapple check, or after 6 rounds pass.
Strong evocation; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, entangle, flame blade, flamestrike; 47,000 gp

Lethe's Lash: A spellcaster struck by this +1 whip loses one spell or spell slot from the highest spell level he can cast. If two more spells fit this criterion, the caster decides which one becomes inaccessible. The lost spell becomes available again the next time the caster rests and regains spells.
Moderate enchantment; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, modify memory; 22,301 gp

Living Chain: This weapon seems possessed of some basic form of sentience. When used to trip an opponent, this +2 spiked chain coils around the victim's limbs, adding a +4 bonus on the wielder's opposed Strength check to trip the opponent. This bonus is in addition to the normal benefits the chains provide on a trip.
Moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, bull's strength, 12,325 gp

Nunchaku of Mastery: Joined by a wrought-iron chain, the jet-black handles of this +2 nunchaku reflect almost no light. By spending a full-round action twirling the nunchaku of mastery around his head and body, the wielder gains a +20 bonus on his next attack roll with it, provided the attack occurs on the following round. In all other respects, this effect functions exactly like the true strike spell.
Moderate divination; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, true strike; 22,502 gp

Oglien's Final Answer: This +2 spiked chain has a glittering sheen, but most spellcasters can't identify it as magical. This is due to the persistent nondetection effect placed on it chain. A DC 25 Spellcraft check is required to detect the magic of Oglien's final answer. The weapon gives its wielder a +5 bonus on Perform (weapon dirll) checks.
Moderate transmutation and abjuration; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, nondetection; 26,325 gp

Raking Blade: If the wielder of this +4/+3 two-bladed sword hits the same target with her primary attack and her first off-hand attack in the same round, she may make an extra attack with the raking blade at the wielder's BAB -5.
Moderate transmutation; CL 12th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, cat's grace, haste; 116,700 gp

Scourge of Fangs: Favored by the yuan-ti and drow clerics of Lolth, this +2 scourge has a handle made of adamantine and five serpentine constructs as lashes. The snakes are extensions of the wielder's will that hiss and writhe in response to her thoughts and emotions. The weapon deals damage normally, and in addition, at the wielder's mental command, the serpents can attack as seperate and independent creatures, using the statistics below. If the wielder chooses to attack only with the snakes, she can substitute her own BAB for that of the snakes in their attacks. The enhancement bonus of the scourge is already included in the attack bonuses of the snakes in the statistis below.

Serpent Lash (5), CR 1, Tiny construct; HD 2d10 (11 hp); Init +3; Spd 0 ft.; AC 17, touch 15, flatfooted 14; BAB +1; Grp --; Atk +8 melee (1d2-2 plus poison, bite); Full Atk +8 melee (1d2-2 plus poison, bite); Space/Reach 2.5 ft/0 ft.; SA pain; SQ construct traits, darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision; AL N; SV Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +0; Str 6, Dex 17, Con/Int -, Wis 11, Cha 1
Skills and Feats: Hide +11, Weapon Finesse
Pain (Su): Anyone hit by a serpent lash's bite attack takes a -4 penalty on attack rolls and checks for 2d4 rounds due to the wracking pain its venom produces. A successful DC 11 Fort save reduces the penalty to -2.
Moderate necromancy and transmutation; CL 11th; Craft Construct, Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, bestow curse; 32,000 gp; Wgt 5 lbs.

Scourge of the Pomarj: This +2 monstrous humanoid bane/+2 goblinoid bane dire flail allows its wielder to understand Orc and Goblin as long as she holds it.
Moderate divination; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, comprehend languages, summon monster I: 34,690 gp

Scourge of Tiamat: This +1 corrosive viper scourge is favored by high priests of Tiamat. In addition to its normal properties, each viper head of a scourge of Tiamat can spit its corrosive venum up to 30 feet as a ranged attack. A target hit by this attack is affected by the poison of the viper and also takes 1d6 acid damage from the corrosive quality.
Strong conjuration; CL 17th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, acid arrow, storm of vengeance, summon monster II; 60,320 gp

Siangham of Focus: This +3 siangham grants its wielder a +2 enhancement bonus on Reflex saves made to deflect ranged weapons with the Deflect Arrows feat. Its wielder may also deliver stunning attacks such as from the Stunning Fist feat through the siangham of focus.
Moderate abjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, hold person, protection from arrows; 19,303 gp

Spiderbane: This is a +2 spiderkind bane spiked chain
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, summon monster I; 18,325 gp

Staff of the Whip: This +1 pincer staff can, as an attack action, deliver an electrical shock worth 1d8+1 per caster level electrical damage to a creature already grappled by the pincer staff. This special function only works in the hands of a kuo-toa.
Moderate evocation; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, shocking grasp; 10,406 gp

Sword of the Glorious Pearl: A +3 aquatic holy pearlsteel bastard sword, the sword of the glorious pearl is treasured by the aventi people, and the Order of the Pearl undertakes quests to recover one should it fall out of aventi hands.
In addition to hits aquatic and holy properties, the sword of the glorious pearl also grants its wielder the benefits of the Extra Turning feat as long as he grips its hilt. More than one user cannot benefit from this ability in a day--it takes 24 hours for a new user to attune to the sword in order to use this benefit. The wielder must already possess the ability to turn undead.
Strong abjuration and evocation [good]; CL 7th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, freedom of movement, creator must be good and possess the Extra Turning feat; 75,335 gp

Sword of Readiness: The wielder of this +2/+2 two-bladed sword may use it to ready a full attack action, but may do nothing else for that round.
Moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, haste; 36,700 gp

Sword of Retribution: Whenever the wielder of this +3 bastard sword is damaged in melee, he gains a +2 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls on his next attack, as long as that next attack is directed at the creature who damaged him and made within the following round. If more than one source injures the sword's wielder, only the most recent source triggers the bonuses.
Moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, righteous might; 72,335 gp

Sword of Versatility: As a move-equivalent action that doesn't provoke AoOs, the wielder can transform this +2/+2 two-bladed sword into two +1 longswords. Recombining the swords is also a move-equivalent action. Both halves of the sword of versatility function exactly like normal +1 longswords when seperated from each other.
Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, mending, shatter; 36,700 gp

Sword of Zeal: Attacks with this +2 holy bastard sword made by a paladin ignore the DR of outsiders. A paladin wielder may also give up points of healing from her lay on hands ability to add an equivalent amount of damage to her next attack with the sword of zeal. This choice is made after the paladin is aware her attack strikes true. Creatures other than evil outsiders and undead are unaffected by extra damage from the channeled energy.
Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, bless weapon, holy smite; creator must be good; 72,335 gp

Taragarth: This unique +3 mighty cleaving bastard sword is made of fire-blackened steel. Just ahead of the crossguard is a rune. When unsheathed, resist energy (fire) and feather fall protect the bearer automatically. When gripped (even when sheathed), the bearer is protected by nondetection.
Moderate evocation; CL 9th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, divine power, feather fall, nondetection, resist energy; 86,335 gp

Truestone Hammer: This utilitarian +2/+1 gnome hooked hammer is useful as a tool as well as a weapon. Three times per day, when in contact with an illusion or an object that is the target of an Illusion spell, the hammer can dispel magic (but only against spells from the school of Illusion). One a day, a truestone hammer can be used to cast stone shape.
Strong abjuration and transmutation; CL 15th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor, dispel magic, stone shape; 51,120 gp

Whip of Webs: This +2 whip can be used to make a ranged touch attack to wrap a target in a web of leather straps, entangling it. The wielder and the whip are not attached to anyone entangled by it so the wielder is free to strike other targets.
Moderate transmutation; CL 6th; Craft Magic Arms & Armor and entangle or web; 10,301 gp