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Tina Cousins

Articles, Interviews, Reviews and the like


Tina's Toe-Tappin' Tunes (Club Land, 1998)
Kill Time With Tina (Scotsman, 1999)
Introducing Tina Cousins (Radio 1 website, 1999)


Pop Confessions (Evening Mail/Birmingham, 1999)
Findance Tina Cousins Interview (Findance Website, 1999)


Reviews for Pray
Reviews for Killin' Time
Reviews for Forever
Mouse's Review for Killing Time (The Album) (Mouse is myself, the webmaster of EuroMusic and Mouse Music)


If you want to join a Tina Cousins club, this one is pretty much the only one to join. It seems to be a little slow right now--there are only 5 members, and none of them seem to come to the club very often, but I just joined so I'll try and stir things up a bit and get the juices flowing in it again. :-) At any rate, that's the club to join for all things Tina. *note* This is a Yahoo! Club, so you have to have a Yahoo! ID to join. If you don't have one it's not that hard to get one. *another note* I am NOT the founder of this club or anything, just a member. *end of notes*

If you have any articles, interviews, or reviews of Tina Cousins that I don't have here, please e-mail me!