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Et cetera

The Evolution of the Species

The Evolution of the Species is really only referring to one member of one species, namely me. I was just being real nostalgic earlier today flipping through some old photo albums and I decided to put this section up that examines my own physical change through a series of pictures. It's a grand waste of space on the internet really. But if I'm going to designate a section to the worst words in the English language, I might as well put this in here, too.

As a baby!

Something about those overalls is just cool isn't it? Man, I love those overalls. I don't recall ever wearing them but that's understandable. I'm assuming this is the first professional photo ever taken of me, although I haven't the foggiest idea how old I am in this picture. I imagine this is quite some time before my only trip to British Columbia when I ate a banana whole at the age of one. Someone in my family once told me that I also ate a bun whole, but I think the banana is a far more impressive feat.

Blond? Wha??

Yes, I was born blond and remained that way for awhile. I imagine the hair colour wasn't quite as noticeable in the baby picture so I mentioned it here instead. I think the ball was just a prop given to me by the folks at the camera place because I don't recall using it at any other time. But the Care Bears outfit does a ring a bell. Never liked the blue pinstripe, though. It makes the whole thing look like a pyjama outfit. Now I'm wondering why it is that I'm sitting here making fashion comments about a photograph of myself when I was a toddler. I don't even like fashion!

The Age of Spiky Hair

For the longest time I had shunned hair gel or any kind of hairstyling product, even here at the age of 5. Somehow I managed to have the whole spiky hair thing happening without the aid of hair gel or otherwise. It certainly wasn't naturally spiky. I don't understand. It's a kindergarten paradigm I may never resolve. This being the definitive "cute" picture of this small collection, I feel I should mention that I find it difficult to believe that the kid in the picture is the same person to grow up and devote a great portion of his socialization time to pessimism, atheism, cynicism and everythingusuallysucksism.

The Age of Jogging Pants

After the spiky hair fell down sloppily on the top of my head (as shown above) I had a strange affliction to jogging pants. Well, actually, I had no real interest in jogging pants, I just really hated jeans. I owned two pair and I always went out of my way to avoid wearing them at all costs. I just hated jeans. I don't know why. I couldn't explain it then and I can't explain it now. Actually, now, I hate jogging pants. Why? I don't know.

Grade 4...the dawn of my career...

Well it's not really a "career" I'm referring to, at least not yet. Grade 4 is when I actually wrote a story without my only motive being to impress the teacher. It was called The Mask, and it came out before the freakin' movie, okay? You have no idea how many classmates bugged me about that. "Is it like the movie?" "No, shut up!" It was a "horror" story and the teachers did seem to take an almost religious devotion to it. One teacher printed off nicely and put it in a weird hardcover that I still have lying around the hosue somewhere. Another teacher videotaped a reading of it. It was crazy. I read the story today and it's not very good. I don't even think it's that good for someone who is in Grade Four. Oh, and a note on the hair: I had this style from grades four to five and even though I've always liked it, nobody else did so I quit that after awhile.

Unable to think of a catchy headline!

Grade 5 photo, one of the last pictures taken of me where I smiled using my teeth comfortably. I can't imagine how I did it. That was a rather difficult year for me, but I can't really remember why. I do recall all the tests I took to be rather difficult. Plus I always had the basic mentality that Grade 5 was when you finall are "older than you were before." In terms of age, I always viewed grades 1 through 4 as the same thing. Then Grade 5 is when you're older again. Then Grade 7 is the next step. Then Grade 10. And by Grade 12, you're like the Power Rangers people!

Skipping about four years here...

Sorry, I can't seem to find any picture from Grades 6 to 8, so I'm skipping to 9. There's the teeth within the smile again. But this time, as the picture was being taken, I was constantly focusing on how uncomfortable it was to smile with teeth. After this, I never did it again. This is also basically the conclusion to the mushroom haircut that I maintained for awhile. Now that I look back on it, I have no idea why I did choose it in the first place. It looks like a built-in bicycle helmet! Millions of people DON'T wear bicycle helmets simply because of the way they look and I'm waltzing around with the haircut equivalent.

Today's Stage of Evolution

Yep, still evolving. At least now the picture is sort of representative of my personality. No more of that teeth crap in my smiles!

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