Twilyte Sleep

Agnesse Says:

“The secret of the trance is the greatest of all secrets…for it is the key that unlocks the door to deeper mysteries.

The trance is called “Twilyte Sleep”, and it is the cornerstone of witchcraft.

To naturally induce it may not be easy for you, because the key is to realize that this state exists already, and you are in it as we speak, and then to still the mind enough, become passive enough, to realize it.

However, you must allow yourself to FEEL. Really feel. There is Power in everything, and the nature of Power is motion. Power is flowing through everything like a river…like your breath, like a wind. It is so constant and obvious that you have become numb to it. Let yourself feel it, now! Turn your attention outside of your body, and feel the obvious and great power of the land around you!

Once you feel that, you can begin to realize that this power is inside your body as well. Take a deep breath….this pulls power into you…do you feel it enlivening you?

Now turn your awareness to your mind. What is the relationship of your mind to the world around you? That is easy. Take the example of the Oak tree.

The Oak tree grows up from the ground. It needs the waters to nourish it, and the light, and the air. It needs the rains, and winds, and the entire world around it. Can you truly separate the tree from its surroundings? No. It is a part of everything, totally woven into the tapestry of creation. So are you. So is everything. With this in mind, to say that you are “here” and everything else you see is “over there” is nonsense. Everything, including you, is simply one thing, one whole. You have only been taught to think of yourself as separate from your environment, but the truth is, you are one with it.

So, what of the mind? The same way you cannot separate your physical being from the world, you cannot separate your mind from the world. All parts of you are in the weave of life, not just your body. Your mind is involved with the weave as intimately as the rest of you. Your mind is interwoven with every form in creation. The strange notions you have of a lone “self” are nothing more than delusion. You have a Self, for certain, but a greater and more expansive Self than you ever dreamed. It is certainly not limited to a simple human body, with a short human lifespan. Embrace this.

When you accept these things, you can feel power, and more importantly, you can begin to experience the world as if it were part of your mind, which it is. What you call your mind is simply the Awareness of Nature, in you! All things share it!

Look at the trees around you now. Be calm. Relax. Feel the power flowing through here? Feel the power in the tree? Your mind is part of all this! This world is your mental state!! Do not look at the tree as separate from yourself. You and it flow from the same source, the womb. Let yourself be open. Do not think. Your thoughts come in terms of delusion and duality, which is false. Do you sense that? The tree is saying something. You know what it is saying, already. Let yourself accept that knowing.”

The motion of the forest around you suddenly seems much more vivid. The great awareness you sensed in it before is all of a sudden very intense. Then, you realize that it is your mind that is intense….and your mind and the awareness beneath nature are the same thing!

For a moment you feel dizzy, and then you sense the Great Mother’s unfathomable mind pooling into your small form, making you feel that you are “someone”… but now you see that she is the force that exists, sustaining your sense of “self” She is the reality, and you feel as though you are a dream of her…a reflection of her…and so are all the trees and plants and birds around you. By losing yourself to her, you realize that you are her, eternally, and you exist as nature exists. You know without doubt that you are one with all forms sprung from the cauldron! The feeling of bliss is nearly overwhelming. You look up, and see three ravens suddenly take flight, and then,

You understand.

The Great One of Nature is talking; through the movements of every leaf, every animal, and so are all of her creations. The voice of Nature is so loud and obvious and powerful that you sway inside. The trees are speaking…their communication sweeps through you, riding on the winds of the power you suddenly sense, like a wind blowing through everything. You feel afraid that your spirit may be swept from your body by these power-winds, but Angesse speaks to you and says:

Welcome, my friend, to the world you once knew. Worry not, your awareness will not leave your body, for these winds are not intense enough to carry you. That is an experience for another day.”

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