The GodStane

You emerge into a large clearing that has a lone, ancient standing stone right at its center. A fire is burning in the south of the clearing, and standing before it is a man He is draped in a long, off-white woolen robe, and wearing a crown of antlers on his head.

You are momentarily a-taken back by the sight, but you recover quickly. The man turns to gaze at you, and then comes over to stand in front of you.

Beneath the strange headdress, his dark eyes tell you that he may be in some sort of trance. He slowly says :

“Have no scorn to wear the horns…they were a sign ere you were born…your father’s father wore them, and your father wore them, too…”

He glances over you once, reaches up, and takes the antlered headdress off.

“I am Robin.” He says. “You have come before the Godstane, in the midst of the greenwoods, and you have not come alone. Something follows you…” he gazes off in to the forest.

“I am a follower of the Old Faith” he tells you suddenly. “I serve The Old One, the Master of these woods. You are in his kingdom now. The covenant of the Horns is kept here, and we guard and protect this place from defilement. I can tell that you wish to know more, so ask. But as for what you see here, as for what you learn here, always remember to use wisdom and discretion if and when you speak of it.

Beyond these clearings, out there, where the land rises sharply, there is a cave. An old Wyse-Woman named Isobel lives there. When you have left us here, you might wish to visit her. But that might be what you had in mind all along…Prentice…” He smiles mysteriously at you.

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The Horned God
The Rites and Rituals
Fith Fath
Rite of the Goat's Fire
Finding your Familiar

Journey on to Old Isobel's Cave

Journey back to the Crossed Roads