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Desert Rogues


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Desert Rogues Guild


"Inside every man lives a thriving for survival"

~John McCult

The Desert Rogues clan was founded about 4 months ago. It was founded on a basis of true Warcraft Strategy. I dont like maps where you start out with 60k+ minerals and lumber and then you have people with 100 dragons, destroying the games strategic point and turning it into a hack and slash game. What is better is the original, low to medium resources, start from scratch game. Where you plan every move and must be atleast one step ahead of the enemy at all times to succeed. This guild will indite all members in the game. You might see a game with a name of {DR}Clan Tryouts, or something along those lines. The game will be a TVB. Unlike most tryouts everyone who comes, as long as they are on a good amount of time

03/25/01 Whoa, I havent been on in awhile and i have seen that the {DoH} clan has died, and sadly so has {DR}. I cant find anyone. Im here to start the clan back up....

- {DR}~Syne~

02/01/01 Made the Members">Members page adding all of the members and the allied clan.
01/28/01 Indited 12 new members. We allied with the {DoH} clan today. They seem to be a group of strong tactical warriors.
12/30/00 Had a clan battle vs the {RM} clan. {DR}Jz had a hack finder and found that two of the {RM} clan members were using Level up and map hacks(It was a 4vs4). We dealt with the situation by lagging out the 2 hackers using the hack detector. I had {DRM} Jz and {DR}OpiUm hold out, and me and {DR}1etty CRuShed them.
12/28/00 Red-Did webpage. Im looking for an ally clan if anyone is interesteed. Indited 3 new mebers.
12/27/00 Held mini tournament. A 5 game competition, FFA,3vs3, 2vs2, 2vs2,1vs1. Winner was {DR}Jz.
12/26/00 Indited 5 new mebers. Made this webpage.
12/20/2000 Started this clan. Indited 3 members as High Council, {DR}Jz, {DR}OpiUm, and {DR}1erty.

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The Dusk Coding, Game, and everything else is copyright to Tom Weingarten

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