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Degrees That Are 98

Okay peeps...we're under major construction here..soooooo...just hang tight..I'll be back with great pics in just a little bit

[They Can Be Funny Too] [You Know You're A Degree Head When...]

Last Updated August 2nd, 2000!
I know it has been awhile, but I'm just starting to get back into the page making mode. I've been in Quebec for three hellish months and now I'm back...soooo....I'll be making some major changes to my site..therefore, book mark me and check it out often :) ENJOY!

Justin's my sunshine after the rain.
Nick's the cure against my fear and my pain.
Cuz I'm losin' my mind when Jeff's not around
It's all. It's all because of Drew.

Drew's Birthday Is Coming Soon! August 8th!

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