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Welcome to Castle Deathblade. This is a place of conquest, treasure, battle, mystery, and vermin. If you happen to be a goodbeast of anykind visit our rivals at Fort Mossflower. This club is base on Redwall click on the link to learn more about it. This Castle is led by the legendary

To where they go,
This is a secret nobeast may know.
Plundering murdering vulpine thieves,
Who blend with stones,
Or meld with leaves.
See the fire eyes and swirling cloak,
Appear like a nightmare,
Vanish like smoke.
What steals upon the silent air,
Gleaming fangs, mottled fur,
A deadly axeblade lying there.
Nobeast living can hide from thee,
O thou who treads invisably
Cross hill and vale, through woods and rocks

Excerpt from Marlfox by Brian Jacques, with one minor change.

The storm rages in the skies above you. The Castle doors swing open with a bang. Out walks a Marlfox, her coat completely red-gold and shimmering in the lightning flashes. On her back is a Great Axe and around her waist are a multitude of lethal dirks. Then you see her eyes, they are a a hard ice-blue like the sun glinting off the snow. The sight sends shivers down your spine. "Welcome to my Castle...."

Visit our allies at:
Fort Tatterack

Queen Icefyre names it...

This Club originally founded Aug. 16, 99
This club Re-built Nov. 1, 99, Re-opened Dec. 30, 99. Transfered Management July, 00

Everything Updated as of
March 18, 2000(i'm in the process of updateing now july 2, 2000)




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The official Flag of the Castle

The face represents me, and the stone
gargoyle heads represtant the strength
of my horde.

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This site is officialy © 2000 by Me, Lord Deathblade. To use any pictures, idea's or html you ask my permission first. If you want to know more about Redwall visit the official web site. Redwall is officially © 2000 by Brian Jacques.