Comedy Cookbook: version 2001


............This Comedy home viewing page is a unauthorized document for the home viewing pleasure of our audience. Any rebroadcasting or distribution of this page and or pages is punishable by my left foot flying up you a$$. If you proceed to disobey this documents observations our hypothesis will conclude in the malnutrition, reprocutions, and destructive behavior of your well being. In other words don’t piss us off because we know Judo.(he is a very good friend of ours) And for all you blind people out there you may proceed reading our version of blind people speaking dot thingies also known in all areas of the world but the West Indies and Eastern Algeria as Braille. .,;:; :.; .;:,; ; .;.; ;,;.;,:::: ;:::: ,.;,;. .;, ;:, :,.;,;.;,";,; .:.:.: :,.;,:,.;’";,.;’ ;,;.;’………………….. And if you are of the age of 48 and 1/3 or older you may proceed with out adult supervision but if not old enough don’t worry we wont tell any one if you don’t. Now you may proceed on to disclude the agricultural minorities of undisclosed disclosure. If you choose to discard the above ingredients we will proceed to give you a blow to the head with a double gripped steel toed kodiak work boot. Now enjoy.


Garth & Jared

***Welcome to our home page. Viewer discretion is advised: What you are about to read will most likely lower your IQ by a minimum of 10 points. And remember "en Espanol" we are not available. Los ciento.***

Table of contents:

1.) J&G’s guide to dating

2.) J&G’s best poetry

3.) The boy who wanted to learn some new words

4.) Jack Schitt

5.) Making Chicken Cake

6.) What Not to Name Your Dog

7.) Suntan

8.) No More Cursing

9.) Grover, The PimpThis document contains strong sexual content viewer descression is advised.

10.) ManSon FoR PreSidEnt

11.) Trojan Condom Company

12.) The Ballad of The Bobbit Hillbillies

13.) The Shit List

14.) J&G's Soap This is a new document produced by J&G and we would like to know what you think because we are thinking about creating a sequal and wanna know if that is what our audience would like.

15.) J&G On Milk This really dosn't have any thing to do with our page but here you go i think it is kind of funny let us know what you think

16.) J&G's Inventions

17.) J&G's Tips

18.) What am I????

Now Jared and I would like to say thanx for stopping by our page and remember we are constantly adding things to it so come back again. Our page was made to represent the Anarchist Cookbook 2000. And be sure to check out our LiNXpage.

And if you feel like chatting go to the J&G Chat Palace


Maestro & LS

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