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The trial  

This page contains a summary of the trial.

Summary of the trial

Room A
2000-05-03: The trial started today. The four accused are (their real names are not presented here because of the care about their families security, which must be respected):

21 years old, represented by his lawyer Anders Munck: A21
19 years old, represented by his lawyer Göran Franzén: B19
19 years old, represented by his lawyer Göran Bergendahl: C19
19 years old, represented by his lawyer Leif Silbersky: D19

After some great problems with the transmisson of voice and pictures from Room A (where the real proceedings take place) to Room B (where most of the case owners are allowed to be) and Room C (where most of the media people are allowed to be), the trial could begin.
Outside Room B
The chief prosecutor Ulf Norén laid up the case which included a crime classification as arson of the first degree, a crime that all four accused denied through their lawyers.

C19 admits however through his lawyer that he has started the fire in the stairwell but adds that he had no intention to harm anyone. The three others admit through their lawyers that they have been in the culvert and in the stairwell. The rest of the day was taken up by revieweing the technical proof, amongst other things pictures from the premises, the stairwell and the culvert were shown. The large amount of vandalism that had taken place in the culvert during the night when the fire disaster occured plus other technical proofs had given reason to the police to suspect, already during the first months, that the fire had been set by purpose. The chief prosecutor stated that those four have deliberately and with an agreement started the fire. With knowledge about that a fire has been started, they have then left the place indifferent about the consequences that this act could lead to.

2000-05-04: The trial continued today with further practical problems. The view and the quality of the pictures which are transmitted to e.g. Room B have been criticized by some of the lawyers that represent the case owners and some other lawyers. According to Gerdt Wikstrand (one of the two judges at the trial) the criticism is "nonsense". Bengt-Åke Engström, judge and the chairman at the trial has however stated that the objection has been noted and that the court will try to solve the problems until next week.

The trial started with the chamber prosecutor Kristina Ehrenborg Staffas who presented a detailed and close explanation of the technical aspects of the fire. Amongst other things pictures from subjects that were damaged by the fire or by the vandalism were shown. There were e.g. finger proofs of A21. The pictures were completed by the reports from e.g. The swedish technical crime laboratory, The swedish testing and research institute, The electricity security council and Chalmers university of technology. One of the findings that were presented, was that the damages on the plugs and cables could have occured before the fire took place but the damages were so huge that an electronical reason for the fire could not be excluded nor confirmed. If the fire did not have such an intensity and later on did not receive any fresh air from the opened doors, then it might have been terminated by itself.
The technicians have also observed that the linoleum carpet that covered the floor had the same properties as a wooden floor. The measurements have shown that the fire had a maximum temperature of about 900 C degrees. After five minutes the volumes of the toxic gases were so enormous that our friends had started to lose consciousness and could not get out. One of the reasons why so many people survived after all was that fresh air came in from the crashed windows.

After that it was time for each lawyer of each accused person to put up the case of his client. Anders Munck told that A21 did not at all got into the culvert to start a fire but to commit a burglary and that he had not started any fire but he had seen C19 to burn a peice of paper. Göran Franzén said that B19 admits act of vandalism in the culvert and that he after hearing C19 saying that he has started a fire, pulled up a fire hose near to the door to the stairwell and walked towards the stairwell, but he did not see any fire or smoke and then left the place. Göran Bergendahl said that C19 started the fire in order that only a chair could catch fire and to cause extra expenses for his friends who had arranged the party. He continued that C19 had the beleif in that the fire will be terminated by itself. He stated also that C19 felt humiliated because of having to pay to enter the party and the idea of starting a fire had come up after the arguments and that no threats had been spoken before the party as a witness has claimed. Leif Silbersky said that D19 had not been involved in any discussions about starting fire nor had he any intention to sabotage the party.

In the afternoon most of the participants in the trial took a short trip to Backa for review of the scene of the crime. A painfull step back in the time since the premises still look almost the same as after the disaster, with some burn-damaged material left in there such as shoes and other belongings plus other signs of our friends struggle against the injustice fire. Yet it was a necessary action to be taken by everyone to build up a real understanding of the circumstances in the culvert, the stairwell and inside the premises. The reality surpasses all the pictures.

2000-05-05: The trial had a break today. It was reported that at least two TV-cameras will be placed in Room A from monday. One camera will be pointed on the attornies and the other one on the accused persons. 10 more seats in Room A will also be offered to the case owners. These seats were reserved for the families of the accused persons but have not been used during the first two days of the trial.

2000-05-08: The trial continued today. the problem with the transmission of tv-pictures was solved in a very good way. It was D19 who became the first of the accused to tell his story. He said that he let the three others back into the culvert after that they had got out from there and the door had got locked. Afterwards he got back to the party, went through the emergency exit, via the stairwell, into the culvert to let them in again. Ha said that his belief was that they would let people in that way for half of the price. The first time in the culvert they committed vandalism. The second time there, they found a can with some inflammable liquid in it which they took with themselves to the stairwell.

He said first that the content of the can would be sniffed. He thought also that a bookcase would be set into fire and make those who had arranged the party to pay for it, but in the stairwell he understood that chairs would be set into fire. In the stairwell they had thrown sacks, rice pops and paper over the chairs and poured out the inflammable liquid on them. C19 had then rolled up a paper that he lighted up and that he used later to set the papers that had been put under the chairs to fire. Afterwards they stood there for about 30 seconds before they left the place and went out through the culvert. The first time they got to know about the disaster was when a message had come to the mobile of one of the accused persons.

D19 told further that there were some arguments at the party, that someone pulled a knife and that he had come to the party by himself and joined the others for not being alone. He didn't think that the fire could spread to the premises where all the youngsters were but was afraid that it could reach Backa-theatre (which is connected to the culvert). He told that he would have never let them in if he knew what would happen. He said that he didn't try to stop C19 because he was afraid that he could beat him since he looked as he had used drugs and that he didn't tell anything afterwards since he was afraid to be imprisoned.

He felt moral guilt since he had opened the door, for losing 1 cousin (Amir Nami, one of our 63 friends) and 5-6 friends and told that he had difficulties to sleep before he had revealed everything in febraury after being arrested. Otherwise it has been exposed that he has not comitted any crime before.

2000-05-09: The court continued today with C19. He told that they had been in the culvert only once and that there was not any can with inflammable liquid in it but a glass bottle with some painting brushes and some liquid in it. He told further that he didn't roll up any paper that he lighted on but that he and two others teared down some papers and put under a chair that had fallen down from a stack of chairs one meter away, that he lighted up the paper under the chair and someone else came afterwards and lighted on the same paper. He told that everyone was standing near to the fire when it was lighted and noone did say anything positive or negative regarding it and that on the way out D19 took the glass bottle with the liquid in it and throwed it on the stairs. He didn't want to tell who the other one that lighted up the paper was.

He said that he decided to confess since D19 had told so much that were wrong and to ease his burden. He said that he thought that the fire would die by itself if the emergency exit door was not opened. He said that at the bus station he thought about the fire and that it could spread and that he might had to get back and check but then the bus came and those thoughts disappeared. First time he got to know about the disaster was through a message from his sister that reached his mobile. He didn't imagine that it was because of the fire that he had started but that it must be somewhere else. He said that later when it was clear for him that some people had died in a fire at Backaplan, he had got there with a couple of those others and seen the devastation. Well there they have realized that they could do nothing and that it was best to leave the place, which they did.

He said that it could be considered that he has the greatest responsibility for the fire. He has lost many people that he knew in the fire. He told that the time after the disaster was like being in trance and that he fleed into drugs. He could not remember if he was druged that night. Otherwise it has been exposed that he has comitted many crimes before such as robbery, burglary and assaults.

Later on the same day, A21 told that they had been in the culvert and in the stairwell twice and that he comitted some vandalism in the culvert during the first time and that the fire was raised in the stairwell during the second time. He told that papers were gathered and put under a chair that had fallen from a stack of chairs, that he saw that someone lighted up a piece of paper with a cigarett lighter but that he can not remember who did what, and only knows what he has done and he has done nothing. He said that there were no inflammable liquid.

He said that he does not have any responsibility for what has happened and thet it feels lonely now that everything has happened. Otherwise it has been exposed that he has comitted many crimes before such as robbery, burglary and assaults.

2000-05-10: Today the turn had come to B19 who told his story. He said that he had got into the culvert for destroying things since it is funny. He said that he hadn't seen anyone raise fire and on the way out he had heard C19 say that he had started a fire. B19 had then gone back to the stairwell but had not seen any smoke or fire in there. On his way out he had however pulled out a fire hose that was in the culvert and put it on the floor and opened the tap so that water could spread accross the floor in case it was going to be a fire. Otherwise it has been exposed that he has committed many crimes before such as robbery, burglary and assaults.

During these days the accused persons have been heard by the prosecutors, the defence and the lawyers who represent the case owners, who have shown that what these persons say in the court differs from what they have said before to the police on several occasions. The chief prosecutor and the lawyers have acheived to proof this many times during the trial and thereby forced these four to change their stories and expose themselves by not telling the truth.

It is astonishing that all four vindicate that they could never think that the fire could reach the premises since it was just a peice of paper which was burning in the middle of the stairwell, but all of them have thought that it could either reach Backa-theatre, or spread if the emergency exit door was opened. It is important to add that it has been exposed that all four have neglect their studies and often skipped the school which in their case was the last security net.

2000-05-11: The court announced yesterday that all case owners will be allowed to speak at the time for the concluding speech, if they talk about the subject of the trial and do not get too emotional.

The lawyers who represent the four accused will ask the court to take part of those documents from the investigation material that were made confidential yesterday.

2000-05-12: The trial continued today with hearings of some of the witnesses. Ulf Wickström, professor at The swedish testing and research institute showed the facts that they have found out. According to him, the fire had ended by itself if it had not received any new fresh air as it did from the opened doors. One single chair, that was burning, had not been enough for the fire to spread that fast. "Inflammable liquid upon many chairs in combination with the content of the plastic bags and papers pushed in between sound very probable." said Ulf Wikstöm regarding what he thought could be the real reason.

Another witness, a 46-years old stage crew at Backa-Theater was heard about another fire that he had turned out by his own at the Backa-Theater during the same night as the premises burned. Leif Silbersky asked him about what he could remember regarding some nazi skinheads that were seen in the area during the same night.

Parash Lama who survived the fire disaster witnessed about how he had helped at the party to move and put the chairs in a stack in the stairwell. The chamber prosecutor Kristina Ehrenborg Staffas asked him to continue his witness from that night. Parash continued then despite the objections from Leif Silbersky, one of the lawyers.

Parash told that after hearing the DJ shouting out that there was a fire, he thought that there must be a short circuit thing in one of the speakers. He didn't see any smoke or fire. He decided anyhow to walk away from the stage to the bar where his girlfriend was standing. Then everything happened all of a sudden and everybody started to run towards the entry door where they got caught. Then the white smoke came and after that the black smoke and it became very difficult to breathe. Parash tried to rescue his girlfriend by pushing her in front of him but she got caught. When he wanted to get her free, he took a deep brathe to get some new forces but then he lost consciousness.

"It was like someone was trying to strangle you, but you couldn't fight back and get free. The air just wasn't there." said Parash. His undramatic, clear and obvious way of explaining the disaster made the reality to once again remind itself to the court and to surpass everything else. Many of the relatives in the court rooms found it difficult to hide their feelings and cried in despair. Even a couple of those accused found it difficult to hear one of those who have suffered to explain with his own words how it was there when it was burning.

"How are you today?" asked Kristina Ehrenborg Staffas. "It is okej. One has to accept the fact. The life is a tough thing." Parash answered.

Parash survived with 30 precentages burn injuries. His girlfriend survived also with burn injuries. His brother Norden is one of our 63 friends who died in the fire. He would have been 21 years old today.

2000-05-15: The trial continued today. The chief prosecutor handed over the material that has become confidential to the court. This was upon the request of the defence who want to refer to this material in the trial. the material which is still partly confidential is about the contacts that the police has had with a witness who was heard today at the trial. The police claims that it is to protect the witness.

The witness who knows all four well told that he met C19 outside the premises. According to the witness, C19 had then said that "The devil is here tonight" and told further on that he would destroy the party so that the fire squad would come. C19 had also asked the witness to come along into the party but the witness had left the place and went to the city.

Later that night, on his way home, the witness had seen that it was burning there. On a coffee shop, one or two days later, he had asked C19 if it was him that had done this and C19 had first denied it but after making the witness to swear on the Kouran and promise to not to tell anyone, C19 had said that it was him but that it was not his purpose that this would become so huge. C19 denies however that this conversation has been made.

The witness has tried several times during the investigations to raise the attention of the police by telling them that they should investigate those who were involved in an argument at the party. He had also said to his karate teacher that he knew who had started the fire. This was confirmed by the karate teacher who mentioned all the occasions when the witness had indicated that he knew who had caused the fire. At last it was also the karate teacher who gave him the advice to go to the police which he did at the beginning of december 1999.

The chamber prosecutor and the lawyers questioned him also about the reason why he after all decided to inform the police about what he knew. The lawyers thought that it could be because of the reward money that was announced in 2:nd of december 1999.

The witness said however that it is not because of the money that he now has told everything that he knows but that he needs them now since he has come out with these informations and will therefore probably have to leave the city or the country. He didn't find it right that another one of his friends who was arrested for arsons in Falun, was also suspected for the fire in Göteborg. He said that he as a foreigner has learned to not trust the police. He asked for forgiveness because it had taken so long time for him to hand over his information but all human beings make mistakes and no one is perfect. He said that he wanted to step forward now to help those who have suffered to find out the truth. He answered also to the question about how it feels now: "But this is the happiest day of my life. Finally I've got rid of this backpack.".

Two other witnesses who were questioned today were one of those who had arranged the party and one who acted as a guard there. According to them they had met C19 and A21one week before the party in a shopping mall. They claimed also that there was a discussion already then about whether they would pay the entrance fee or not and that C19 threatened to "fuck" the party if they were not let in for free.They say also that this plus the arguments at the party which ended with that C19 left the place rather upset, made them suspect C19, A21 and B19 for starting the fire. The accused persons deny that this threat that these two witnesses have talked about has been made.

2000-05-16: The trial continued today with hearing of a witness that the defence lawyer Göran Bergendahl had called. This witness was there inside and outside the premises during the night of the fire and had also been involved in the police investigations. He was arrested in Falun after some purposely fire accidents and was connected to the fire disaster in Göteborg. He is now convicted for arson and is doing his time.

During the police interrogations he had said that the witness, who testified yesterday and told who had caused the fire, "is not wise" and that he talks only to make the police confused. He himself made a very confused impression today when he could not remember whether the witness from yesterday had said to him that he had heard C19 say that it was him who has caused the fire, or at which coffee shop he had met the witness and some of those accused including C19 some day after the fire, or if he had phoned C19 later to ask him if it was true or if C19 during the telephone call had become upset and said that it was not him. He said that everything could have been that way but that he didn't remember it now.

The court reviewed also the personal information gathered by The social services about the accused persons. All four are born in another country. All four have got to follow with the whole or parts of their family when they have left their native country during 1991-1992 because of war and other oppressions and found an asylum as refugees in Sweden where they have been placed in more or less hard areas. All four have grown up in Sweden.

A21 has been convicted before for amongst other things assaults, first time when he wanted to defend his younger brother against some nazis who were assaulting him. He has trained some wrestling but had to finish it because of an arm injury. He had been unemployed for a long time before he was arrested. He wants to start a business of his own.

B19 has been convicted before for amongst other things an attempt to commit manslaughter when he, his brother and a relative had assaulted a man with a plank with nails on it. He had been working in his brothers shop and was about to start at his own shop that his parents had bought for him before he was arrested.

C19 has been convicted before for amongst other things assaults. After the disaster he had managed to get into a school and educate himself to become a flight technician but he had breaked in to the rooms of his schoolmates after a party to steal and had to leave afterwards.

D19 has not been convicted before. He was doing a media education before he was arrested. He has always had difficulties in the school but wants to continue his studies later. He has said that he wanted to go to the police many times but that he had not dared to.

D19 apologized today to those who have suffered "Because I have not warned the police or someone in the premises. I should have turned out the fire but I didn't know that it would burn so much. I think a lot about what has happened. I have been with these three, one of them has started the fire, and I have been there and seen it. One sits and thinks and cries.".

Even C19 wanted to say some words "This has been difficult for all. I think that everyone understands that we are really sad about what has happened and that it has never been any intention to harm anyone. I hope that you can have an understanding for that we could not realize that something like this would happen.".

The two other accused had still nothing to say. The court decided today that B19 should go through a forensic psychiatric medical examination.

2000-05-17: The court continued today with the concluding speeches. The first one was the chief prosecutor who said "Today after more than 1,5 years after the occurence it is established beyound all doubts that we know which four boys were on the place and we know what they did there. They themselves say that they have been there. And this is positive.". The chief prosecutor said further that those four "together and with mutual understanding" committed vandalism in the culvert and that the fire was like a completion of the vandalism. He refered to a previous verdict in the court of appeal when he stated that an "agreement" was not required to convict them.

He thinks that C19, who has not changed his story and has admitted his guilt, has been honest after all. He said further that the confession of C19, in which he amongst other things had said that three of them participated in tearing out papers and put them under a chair, must be regarded. The chief prosecutor refreed also to the fire expert and said that one single burning chair could not have caused this disaster. He said further that the motive had been that three of them felt humiliated since they were not allowed into the party for free and continued "We have never claimed that they deliberately have started a fire so that 63 young people should die. It is important to observe that. On the other hand the fire has been started deliberately. It is not about a cigarette fag but about that the fire is set by purpose in the stairwell.".

He applied that all should be convicted for arson of first degree and demanded that three of them (A21, B19 och C19) should be convicted to several years in prison and the fourth (D19) to be taken care of in a restricted reformatory home for youngsters. He mentioned however that there is a reason to lower the punishment under the minimum for arson of first degree "None of the boys were over 21 years old at the time of the fire.". He demanded also that all four should remain in custody until a verdict has gained legal force. He requested that they should continue to follow special restrictions while in custody because of further investigations reasons.

Erik Palmgren, the lawyer who represents some of the case owners was very critical that those four young guys have not helped to give a clear picture of what happened when they caused the fire in the stairwell "Those who survived and were injured by the fire had hoped to find knowledge through this trial about what happened. The accused four have not helped with working out the grief when they have not spoken the truth. There is no trustworthiness in their stories. They lie more or less and say nothing about what happened.". He demanded that "the penalty must be as close to the maximum as possible".

Thomas Bodström, the lawyer who represents about 250 case owners within BOA, demanded the maximum penalty according the law and regarding the circumstances of this case with consideration about their ages. He said "There are only losers in this case. The situation is the same for the case owners and the four accused and regardless of the outcome. The accused four will be remembered as those who caused the death of 63 young people, regardless if the court find the proofs as enough. Many young people have suffered of psychical and physical injuries that in many cases never will be cured. Children and youngsters have lost their brothers and sisters. Parents have lost what the rest of us have not even the strength to think about, their children. In some cases, the only child. It is important to bring it forward since this is what this trial is about. No refund in this world can calm this sorrow and missing. What can relieve them is that these four tell how it really happened when their kids died.".

June Fredriksson, a lawyer who represents some of the case owners said "No other explanations in this world, such as the malfunctioning closing link of a door or opened doors, can take away the responsibility of those who started the fire.". Charlotte Bokelund a lawyer who represents some of the case owners said "Ofcourse they knew when they left the place what the fire could lead into. Despite the fact that they had several opportunities to turn out the fire or call for help, they left the fire and the place without any thoughts.". Both lawyers applied for long time without freedom. Another lawyer who represents some of the case owners was interrupted during her speech since she mentioned the huge hatred that the family feels against those accused. The reason was that only the issues of responsibility and penalty could be discussed in the court.

In the afternoon the turn came to nine of the suffering relatives to expose their opinion to the court and the four accused. The first ones were Peter Axman and his wife Gunilla (parents to Sofia). Peter said "We see no hesitation where the guilt is. It is amongst these four guys.". Gunilla said amongst other things "All four have tried to hide the facts and their own participation, but all are guilty in equal. But, they have one more chance to gain a little respect from their injured friends, from their dead friends and from us the relatives, by telling the whole truth and by not remaining in silent. Only then they can gain respect.". She hoped that all four would become convicted.

Angelicki Bouras, the mother of Voula said "Voula was my only child. She was a treasure in my life. I have been here everyday and everything I've heard indicates that all four are guilty to the crime of arson of first degree. They all were there, all saw when it burned, no one tried to turn out the fire. When they left they could have warned those who arranged the party and they had a chance when they passed a police car. They took my beloved Voula and the lives of 62 other youngsters and for what? Yes, for four guys pique. I demand the hardest punishment of the law.".
Negin Naimepour, the sister of Amir said "They have taken the life of my little brother. The life has lost its meaning for me and for many others after the fire.". She demanded "a hard and painful punishment".
Ibrahim Celik, the father of Sehmuz did not want any excuses from those who are accused. He urged them to "Tell us the truth instead".
Hawo Nur Ahmed, the mother of Mohammed said "They were agreed about the most tremendous thing a human being can cause. I ask the court to weigh and see what the four accused have done and how huge this crime is. But I ask you, Mr. Chairman , to take the hardest punishment that exists. We have already suffered. But the rest of the society should be protected.".
Ann-Britt Söderberg, the mother of Johanna said "We have been asked to not speak about our feelings and our physical or psychical status. It feels difficult, but I will respect it. When D19 came to the party, he said hello to my daughter and her friend Gilda. If he had thought about them and want inside and warned then the disaster would not have been so enormous. If the four accused had not gone to the party, then the fire disaster would have never occured. If they had not started the fire, then it would not have been a disaster. Therefore I consider that all four are guilty to arson of first degree.".
Iman Shakarchi, the mother of Merjam and Jasmin said "I have accepted that my girls won't come back. But I require from those accused to ask for forgiveness. I feel humiliated when someone sits there and laughs.".
Nesa Javadi, the mother of Babak said "I was a naive mother. I was naive and thought that if someone killed my child, then I would want to kill that person. But now I do not need revenge. I just want my son back. Now I am in a swedish court room. But I will never forgive them. The fire is dangerous, all mothers say so to their children. They should have understood, these guys. The judical system must demonstrate that one is not allowed to do such a thing otherwise people will lose their faith in the system.".
2000-05-18: During the last day of the trial the turn came to the defence lawyers to hold their concluding speeches.

Anders Munck, the lawyer of A21, said "He has consistently denied all accusations. And none of the other three accused has pointed him out as involved in any kind. The same applies to all other people who have been heard in this investigation. Anything that the prosecutor has gathered against my client is nothing, except from what he himself has said. He has been on a wrong place, at a wrong time and in wrong company.". He said further about the witnesses that have been involved in the trial "The witness and his teacher have stories that do not fit together regarding the times. On the whole, it is so that none of the interrogated persons who have left any troublesome information against those who are accused, have pointed out anyone before the reward was announced. These informations must therefore be examined very carefully.".

Göran Franzén, the lawyer of B19, said "Each and everyone of them must be judged upon his story. An agreement about committing vandalism in the culvert does not automatically mean that there was an agreement about starting the fire. It is after all an immense difference between vandalism and arson of first degree.". Göran Franzén meant that his client had no motive, had not been active at all, had not even been in the stairwell when the chair was set to fire, had not made any trouble at the party, had not threatened to destroy the party in advance, had not asked to come in for free and had not seen any can with liquid.
Göran Bergendahl, the lawyer of C19, said "There are two tracks in the paragraph about arson. It is not enough to start a fire with danger to someone's life, health or property. It is also required to understand that there is such a danger. There is no evidence that proves that he had realized the danger and still had been so ruthless and indifferent that he would not have cared about that. He had several friends who were at the party. And that's why he can not be convicted for arson of first degree.". He suggested that the information from those accused is the main evidence. And of those two who have told something, his client is the one who is most reliable. He said about the witness from one of those who arranged the party and one who was a guard there, that have testified about a threat one week before the party "It was a meeting between friends. It was jargon. One can not take that for a threat. He has said that the idea came up in the stairwell, not before. The prosecutor's proofs do not change that picture.".
Leif Silbersky, the lawyer of D19, considered that he did not see any needs to defend what his client has done after that the fire was set. He said "My client has done many moral faults. He let the other three into the culvert, he didn't interfered when the fire was started, he didn't turn out the fire, he didn't warn the police or the fire squads. But he has done nothing that is against the swedish laws. My client has been in custody for 98 days up to today. He is someone that has never been involved in any legal circumstances. The boy should get back to the society as soon as possible. He has paid a high price because he was in a wrong place, at wrong time and drawed total wrong conclusions of the whole situation. In our constitutional state we can afford to let a guilty person get away, but we can not afford to let an innocent person get convicted to make sure that all who are guilty in this case are convicted.".
The lawyers refered also to the investigations made by the fire experts and mentioned all the technical details, as the missing closing link of a door which made that the door to the emergency exit when it once was opened was not automatically closed afterwards and other issues, which all together helped that the fire ended up in a disaster. They explained also that their clients had many friends and even some relatives inside the premises when the fire was started and therefore the aim could not have been to harm anyone. All lawyers applied in their concluding speeches that their clients should not be convicted for arson of first degree, or for causing another persons death or for causing physical injuries to another person. The lawyers of A21, B19 och D19 demanded that their clients should be released. Göran Bergendahl suggested that it should be considered that C19 was only 18 years old when he started the fire and in case he is found guilty for arson of first degree, he should therefore be given a lower penalty. None of the accused persons had anything to add.
After that all lawyers had finished their speeches, the court took a short break before the date of the verdict would be announced. One mother could not hold back her feelings any more and shouted out to the four accused when they were leaving the court room "Murderers. My son is death, he saved others, but he himself died. Why didn't you warn anyone when you say that you didn't want to harm anyone?". The security guards took her out of the court room.

The court announced after the break that the accused persons should remain in custody. The verdicts will be announced on the 8:th of June.

2000-06-08: The verdicts were announced today. The court considers that it has been made clear amongst other things by the testimony of Parash Lama that a large number of chairs had been stacked in the stairwell and possibly even on the uppermost stairs between the resting plane and the lower plane and that there were also some chairs and tables on the upper plane of the stairwell.

The court considers that it has appeared that the fire has been started on the stairs in the stairwell and so high up there that the smoke has not drived out to the culvert. The information means also that it can be considered that the fire has not been started on the upper part of the stairwell. By the information from Ulf Wickström it has been cleared up that a fire which had been started under one single chair could not spread to other chairs in the stairwell. The fire must therefore have been set amongst the chairs which were stacked on some of the stairs near to the lower plane. A condition for the intensity of the fire was that the door between the culvert and the stairwell and the door between the premises and the stairwell stood open at the same time. That this happened was caused since the closing devices on both those doors did not function. This does not affect the responsibility for the fire.

The court considers that the testimonies that A21, B19 och C19 have delivered to the court, are incomplete and trueless in great parts. From their stories it is cleared up that they have agreed on how to act and what to say to the police, if they were suspected for the fire. D19 has however been kept outside these agreements. The court considers that there is no reason to dismiss what one of the security guards and one of those who arranged the party have told about their meeting, one week before the party, with some of those accused when C19 said that he would sabotage the party if he was not allowed to get in for free.

The court considers also that nothing has come up to indicate that the witness, who has testified about his meetings with C19 outside the premises and some days later at a coffee bar and what C19 have said to him at those meetings, has not told the truth. C19 said outside the premises that he would sabotage the party by starting the fire alarm. The court considers that it is unbelievable that C19 has not said the same to his friends A21 and B19 when he had said it to the witness. The witness had already during the police interrogations in 1998 and at several occasions afterwards indicated whom the police should search.

The court considers that it is cleared up that all four got out through the emergency exit, that they went down by the stairs and climbed over the banisters near to the resting plane where the chairs blocked the stairs, that they continued out through the culvert where they performed some vandalism and later went outside through the blue gateway. The court considers that it has been cleared up that D19 then went back to the party through the entrance and got to the culvert the same way as before and let in A21, B19 and C19 into the culvert the second time when C19 had intention to sabotage the party by starting up a fire and that they by this purpose had walked towards the stairwell.

By following the others D19 had shown that he wanted to be with them. There is no reason to distrust that D19 thought that they would let people into the party that way. By the testimonies of C19, D19 and partly B19, it is cleared up that all four were in the stairwell when the fire was started. C19 has for the court explained that it was him and two others who teared up papers, without revealing their names. During the police interrogations he had however said that it was him and D19 who teared up papers. It is near to think that C19 has pointed out D19 because D19 has told that it was C19 who started the fire. It is therefore not cleared up who have teared up papers.

D19 has said that C19 started the fire by using a baking-sheet paper that he formed to a torch and that C19 set fire on two places. C19 has said that the fire was started by him and another one who also was involved in tearing up papers. It is not cleared up that D19 was the other person who also set fire that C19 has talked about and it is not even cleared up that there was anyone else but C19 who started the fire on the papers which were laid under the chairs.

D19 has told to the court but not during the police interrogations that C19 had found a can with inflammable liquid in it in the culvert, which he brought with himself. In the investigation material of the case there is no evidence that confirms this. It is only C19 who has said that D19 throwed the content of a glass bottle over the fire. This was after that D19 had pointed him out. It has been cleared up that C19 had the can with him in the stairwell and that the others saw this. The court considers that according to Ulf Wickström can nothing else but gasoline have had any importance for the development of the fire and nothing confirms that there was any gasoline in the can. By what D19 has said it has been cleared up that C19 spilled the liquid from the can over the chairs in the stairwell. A21 and B19 must have seen that. D19 has also said that C19 throwed a sack over the chairs according to exhortations of A21 and B19 and laid another sack under the chairs. C19 has said that he is quite certain that no sacks were used. B19 says that he does not know if any sacks were used.

There were no other exits from the premises than through the entrrance and the emergency exit. Since the fire was set up in the emergency stairwell, it became impossible to get out unless through the entrance. This was obvious for the defendants. They knew that the premises were totally crowded by youngsters and that it was very difficult to get out.

They must therefore have realized that there was a risk that the fire would spread to the premises and thereby cause danger for other people's life and health and for huge destruction of other's properties. Under any circumstances they have been indifferent to the danger that the fire meant. Because of what has been stated it has been cleared up that they have acted intentionally. The deed is, as the prosecutor has claimed, to be considered as arson of first degree.

A21 was 19, C19 and B19 were 18 and D19 was 17 years old when the crime was committed. The penalty for arson is prison at least sex years and at most ten years or life sentence. According to the regulation can no one get a life sentence for a crime that he has committed before he has reached the age of 21. A restricted reformatory sentence is suggested for those who have not reached the age of 18 when a crime has been committed, according to the same regulation. The court has therefore found all four guilty of arson of first degree. C19 is convicted to 8 years in prison. Both A21 och B19 are convicted to 6 years in prison. D19 is convicted to 3 years in a restricted reformatory home for youngsters. All four have to be kept in custody with same restrictions as now until the verdicts have gained legal force.


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