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Polls Page!
I know these are kind of ridiculous, i'm just curious to see what people will vote for!! Joleney has fixed my polls so that they reflect her sick state of mind. "that took me a long time i deserve some credit for it, don't i?" Yes, you do. And this is the credit :) Joleney voted 57 times for the first poll, "sit on their lap in a drunken stupor and hope something happens" as well as 22 times for groin area on the last poll... i fixed the polls because i'd prefer it if you voted properly!!  

What Would You Do?
If you really liked a member of the opposite sex, how would you act toward him/her? I would...


Insecurity Spots (Girls only, sorry)
Which part of yourself are you gals most insecure about?


Insecurity Spots (Guys only, sorry)
Which part of yourself are you guys most insecure about?


Stuck On A Remote Peopleless Island
If you were stuck on a remote unpeopled island, and you could have one person there with you, who would you choose?


Qualities of Guys/Gals
Which quality is most important in a potential partner?


What prerequisite would have to be met before you'd go out with somebody? (at the age of 16-17)


More On Relationships!
To what degree do you get along with your ex/es and if not, is it your fault? (Vote once for every ex)


David Thought This Up and Helped With The Answers I'm Not Joking hehe :)
What part of the body turns you on the most? You can vote more than once!


Backie Wackie