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Summer Holidays

As we may have noticed the summer holidays start around now and we must think of things to do!

Thankgod for Sab who has figured out the time wasting activities that may lead to hours of anguish after the holidys finish in the realisation that nothing has been accomplished.

Anguish-Creating Activities
  • Moping Around the House

  • Although this is the easiest thing to do, and may seem like the natural option, moping is a big time waster in today's time-conscious society. Even in the holidays. When you start pacing and walking around the house restlessly, you might realise what has happened. You're moping.
  • Opening the Fridge

  • I know i do it, im sure everybody does it. Even if you're not hungry, even if you just ate lunch, there is this constant irresistible urge to just go and open the frigde. Not to get something to eat, just to open the frigde, look glazedly inside, and close it again. Don't. Because if you let yourself fall into that fridge-opening trap, you'll get stuck in a loopthat will cause you to open the door two-three times an hour.
  • Staring at Stationary Objects/Walls/The-Quietly-Rustling-Trees/The-Frolicking-Wildlife-Out-The-Window

  • Staring fixedly at any object is a sure sign of either abnormally high brain activity, or abnormally low brain activity. Mulling something over and staring at the wall is perfectly normal, while the staring at the wall may indicate a boredom which will only fester while the glazed eyes unfocus and refocus and stare at the wall...
  • Eating

  • Eating is strictly forbidden. Never, under any circumstances [!!] eat.
  • Sleeping

  • Ditto. Resist all attempts at sleep! Imagine what you could do in all those quiet hours of restful slumber :)

    Fun Activities
  • Studying Yr 12 Textbooks In Anticipation of the Hard Year Ahead

  • okay so i'm being sarcastic and nobody is even going to think about that, yeah? yeah. :)

    Some Great Time-Passers
  • Shopping

  • You know you've been too many times when the shopkeepers know your name and the only section of the shop you look at is the new stock. Thats not me, no, never. NEVERRR.
  • Movies

  • They're a great money-drainer. If you can pass for a 15 yr old then you can get cheaper tickets! Woohoo! Be careful tho, don't say you're any younger if you go see MA movies otherwise you'll be in a bit of a fix... I tried that once :) When i was 14, i had to go to timezone with suz for two hours while my older sister went to see the movie by herself...
  • Walking

  • Walking is a great pastime but there are a few rules to follow: Don't get abducted, Don't get mugged, and most important Don't walk between the unsafe hours of 10am to 3pm. The sun is at its brightest between these hours and... *fades off*
  • Going To The Library

  • Oops this is meant to be under the Anguish-Creating Activities heading
  • Ice Skating

  • A certain sab can never make it to iceskating. and expedition there will be minus sab. *glare* hehe nahh i'm kidding :)
  • The Beach

  • Great for those perverts who want to check out some tasty flesh eh? Besides the hot burning sun and stinging salty water i suppose its fun...

    Okay Sab Is Tired Now :) Time for Sleepy Sleepy Sleep!

    Backie Wackie