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Movies I Saw Over The Summer Holidays: 
Chicken Run
I thought it was funny and the clay things were cute!

Bring It On
Spirit fingers! Its pretty okay for a teen flick :0 Its got Faith from Buffy In it!!!

Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Great! The fight scenes were coool!! After watching The Emperor's Assasin, i was totally PUT OFF wathcing chinese movies [because the guys they picked for the roles were OLD and FESTY]. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon doesn't have any young, particulaly good looking guys, but at least Chow Yun Fat isn't bad looking. That desert bandit guy wasn't too good looking either... Most of the fight scenes were with women! whoopppeee!!

Coyote Ugly
6.5/10, possibly more...
It was too formula, but the dancing was cool hehe... Oh yeah, and the love interest, the Australian actor Adam Garcia took off his shirt! Hmmm... The marketing people for Coyote Ugly did a good job on this movie. The ads almost are totally unrelated to the actual movie!

What Women Want [If you haven't seen the movie, and you want to, i suggest you don't read this]
5/10; possibly less :)
This movie sucked. Because it only used steretypes for characters, and it was PREDICTABLE. The premise had so much more potential. What a waste. *shakes head sadly* Somebody should make a movie called "What Men Want" and make it choc-a-bloc full of sequences in which mean think about gratuitous nudity, violence and swearing all the time. I'm sure male audiences will love it. The lead role should be a woman... lets say... Julia Roberts! Okay Julia Roberts will get eletrocuted while trying on shaving cream on her face for her advertising company which wants to appeal to men or something, then she'll be able to hear what guys think, then she will chat up the gorgeous younger guy who works at the coffee shop, then she should sleep with him, then she should not ring him for 6 days, then she should say that she's lesbian to avoid telling the guy that she doesnt care about him at all. Meanwhile, she decides to steal all of her recently employed male boss' ideas at work. And at the end she decides that he's a total dickhead and kills him brutally using gratuitous violence. She also kills the head of her advertising company because he was previously in M*A*S*H. At the end she should rush to comfort her [15 yr old] son in the middle of the prom, after he got ditched by his [18 yr old] girlfriend. This all happened because he told his older girlfriend he didnt want to go to a hotel room afterwards with her. The son should blubber and cry a lot. mmmm yeahh that would be a good movie!! I'm just crapping on but basically, movies should break through stereotypes dammit!

Titan A.E.
This is definately one of the best animated movies i've seen! The special effects were COOOOL!! The storyline was pretty standard but eh! Its a children's movie! The special effects were COOOOOL!!!! Drew Barrymore was the voice of that Japanese chick! The bit at the end of the movie is funny!!

Book Of Shadows: Blair Witch 2
I liked this movie because it had gratuitous violence! But sadly some of the acting was a bit dodgy, and it wasn't scary at all...

Dungeons and Dragons
This movie was mainly good cos of the special effects and the dragons and stuff! The dragons were coool.  Why was one of the mage-people wearing light blue metallic lipstick? I found the movie quite funny, and not because the characters made jokes. :) This movie should be a warning to anybody wanting to make a fantasy movie: it ends up sounding melodramatic and unconvincing. Thora Birch was underacting, Jeremy Irons seemed to be overacting, some of the characters weren't even acting... For some reason, its harder to suspend disbelief when you're sitting in a movie cinema instead of reading a book... And I have to mention that the movie was totally predictable. Oh well :)

Do you have something to say about a movie? sned an email to me or something and i'll put your review of that movie on this page! Cos i have nothing better to do with my time! 

Backie Wackie